Free Subtraction Flashcards 11 to 20
These free subtraction flashcards help students learn subtraction facts quickly. I know that I always had a time finding just the math flashcards I wanted, or they did not have all the options. So I made this set of subtraction cards!
You have numbers subtraction from 11 to 20 in the set. They are easy to print and use the subtraction cards.
Today we have the free subtraction flashcards for 11 to 20! These are good for kids that are working on higher numbers.
I know people love the different color options for the math flashcards, and this subtraction card set has the same five color options. These subtraction cards are great for kids in first grade and second grade.
The Free Subtraction Flashcards match up with the 1 to 10 subtraction flashcards, addition flashcards, division flashcards and multiplication flashcards.

The Subtraction Flashcard Printables is a great addition to the subtraction printables on the site.
What is Subtraction?
Subtraction is the removal of objects from a collection. So you start with three objects and take one of the objects away and you have two remaining.
The equation for subtraction would look like 11 – 4 = 7.
Subtraction Flashcard Printables: 11 to 20
The subtraction flashcards have 8 subtraction cards on one page. They are in order from 11 to 20. They show all the ways to subtract from that number. So, you have all the subtraction facts 11 to 20 in these flashcards.
There are five color options for the printable subtraction flashcards. You have white, red, blue, green, and pink flashcard colors. Each color is a fun way to use a color they like for the flash card.
These subtraction flashcards work great for first grade (ages 6 to 7) and second grade (ages 7 to 8).

Subtraction Book to Use with the Subtraction Flashcards
It is often fun to have a way to introduce subtraction. And the book The Action of Subtraction is a great way to do that. It is a fun look at subtraction that you can read.
Things to use with the Subtraction Flashcard Printables
I always get asked what items I use with the subtraction card printables. So here is a list to help you out.
We have included links to some of the products and resources we have used with this activity. If you purchase via the links we may earn a small commission.
- printer
- white cardstock
- color cardstock
- laminator
- laminating pouches
- unifix cubes
- glass gems
- 1 inch ring
- mini erasers
Ways to Use the Subtraction Flashcards Printable
You are going to see a few ways we have used the subtraction cards. And it is not always just rote memorization with these cards.
Store Subtraction Flashcards on a Ring
If you are going to have kids flip through cards to learn them by memorization then put the cards on a 1 inch ring. This helps them flip through the cards and keep the cards together easier.
You can always write the answers for each subtraction flashcard on the back of the card. Another fun ideas is to use the white version of the cards and print them on color cardstock. This lets you change the colors based on the season.

Using the Subtraction Flashcards with Unifix Cubes
A fun hands-on idea for the subtraction flashcards is to use unifix cubes. You can give them the first number in the cubes.
You can see we have 11 subtraction 5. And they have 11 cubes.

They are going to take away five cubes so that and that will show them the answer of 11 subtract 5 is 6. A simple hands-on way to use the subtraction cards. And this is great for those learners that need a hands-on activity.

Using the Subtraction Flashcards with Number Bond Mat
You can use the subtraction flashcards with a subtraction number bond mat. You have the number bonds on the mat, a number lines below, and a place to write the equation. A simple way to work on subtraction with kids.
This gives them guides for the subtraction. It gives them practice writing the subtraction equation and the answer together. And it is a fun mat to use with kids.

Using the Subtraction Flashcards with Math Fact Houses
Another great printable to use with the subtraction flashcards is the math fact houses. Kids can solve the equation to find the third number. Then they fill out the math fact house with all the equations for subtraction and addition.

What way would you use these subtraction flashcards?
What you will find in the Subtraction Flash Cards 11 to 20 Printables:
- Subtraction from 11 to 20
- 8 printable subtraction flashcards on each page
- 5 Color options for the subtraction cards: white, red, pink, green and blue
- 22 pages for each color

You can check out these other subtraction printables
Hands-On Number Bond Mats: Subtraction lets you work on subtraction with hands-on activities.
Addition & Subtraction Number Bond Mats with 100 Chart is a great 100 chart to help with addition.
Math Number Bond Mats Subtraction has number lines to help with subtraction from 1 to 20.
Crayon Themed Subtraction Sorting is a great hands-on subtraction sorting printable.
Subtraction Flash Cards 1 to 10 – You can add these flashcards to the 11 to 20 and have a full set.
Math Fact House: Addition & Subtraction lets you work on math facts together.
Check out all the fun SubtractionPrintables & Activities on 3 Dinosaurs.
Cassie –
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