Swimming Turtles Cookie Cutter Painting for Kids
Ocean animals are always a summer favorite theme. We love having different activities with them.
And sea turtles happen to be my youngest favorite ocean animal. They are so much fun to watch them swim. Sea turtles are always loads of fun to learn about.
This is a simple way to make an ocean painting for kids of all ages and one of our favorite ways to paint!
The sea turtle painting is a great addition to the ocean activities on the site.
There are several sea turtle books that we love. They are Sea Turtles by Gail Gibbons, Follow the Moon Home: A Tale of One Idea, Twenty Kids, and a Hundred Sea Turtles
, and National Geographic Readers: Sea Turtles
We always try and pick a book to go with our activities. It makes it mean so much more when we do this. We love the Gail Gibbons books. So if you had to pick one go with it!
What you need for this activity Swimming Turtles Cookie Cutter Painting
- sea turtle cookie cutter
- watercolors
- watercolor paper
- q-tips
- green glitter paint
or green paint
- brown paint
- paint tray
- large paint brush

How we made our Swimming Turtle Painting
First, we started by painting the whole paper lightly with water. We used large brushes to do this. It helps the watercolor paint spread easier.

Then we used watercolor and painting the whole background blue. I like using watercolors for the background because it dries faster than paint.

Then we placed the sea turtle cookie cutter on the paper. We used q-tips
to paint inside the turtle. You paint with one hand and hold the cookie cutter in place with the other hand.

After we had as many turtles are we wanted on the paper we painting the shell using brown paint and q-tips.

Here is a look at the final turtle paintings
Check out these other ocean activities
Shark Fin Painting with Cookie Cutters for Kids
Free Ocean Pack for Tot, Preschool, Prek & Kindergarten
Check out all the fun Ocean & Beach Activities & Printables on 3 Dinosaurs.
Cassie – 3Dinosaurs.com
What a fun painting activity to go along with the book! It seems like they are a family of turtles swimming together. Love it!
Yeah it was loads of fun!