The Noisy Airplane Ride
A great book to read before a plane ride with kids. And we loved this one and could read it lots of times

The Noisy Airplane Ride is a great addition to the transportation activities on the site.
The Noisy Airplane Ride Book for Kids
We read The Noisy Airplane Ride by Mike Downs and David Gordon right before we went on our trip. I loved this book.
It had all the noises that an air plane makes and would be prefect to read a child before their first plane trip. It was great to have for my girls airplane ride!
Here are some other great ideas for long flights with kids.
Some of the sounds in the book were in the laboratories, landing gear, noises the wings made, and so much more. I only wish we would have had it on the flight! It also had some great information in the back about the plane. The girls made comments about the sounds and things they saw in the book that were on the plane.
It made the trip so much better for them. They even understood the seat belt sign as well. So if you are traveling by plane, look for this book! They listened for the sounds on both flights!

Transportation Activities with Kids
Transportation Painting with Watercolors and Oil Pastels is a fun plane and car mixed art project you can do with kids.
Transportation Easy Reader Book For Kids is a fun easy reader book with 8 pages full of different types of transportation and the focus of the sight word like.
Air Vehicle Themed Counting Mats is a counting mat similar to the car counting mat. It has a playdough number, counting area, and ten frames for kids to count transportation in the air. This is a great preschool transportation printable.
Transportation Road Shape Tracing Printable is a fun printable to work on tracing shapes. You have two options in colors with 9 shape road shapes kids will love. This is a great preschool, prek, and kindergarten printable.
Car Themed Color Pack has 11 colors in a car themed pack for kids to learn color words. This is a great Prek and Kindergarten transportation printable.
Check out all the fun Transportation Printables & Activities on 3 Dinosaurs.
Cassie –