
Transportation ABC Easy Reader Book

Easy reader books have been a favorite for a long time. You can work so many skills into the easy reader books.

This free transportation theme ABC easy reader book is great for working on beginning sounds in a simple book.

You can read the book over and over and work on the letters with a fun theme to change it up.

Free Transportation ABC Easy Reader Book  12 page books for kids to work on beginning sounds - 3Dinosaurs.com

We have included links to some of the products and resources we have used with this activity. If you purchase via the links we may earn a small commission.

This is a great addition to the transportation printables and the ABC easy reader book printables on the site.

Easy reader books are an easy way to great way to get learning tools into small hands. They can re-read them and call the book their own.

This easy reader book works on beginning sounds by tracing uppercase letters. Each page of the book has an uppercase letter to trace and a sentence to read. It is a great kindergarten and late Prek printable.

Free Transportation ABC Easy Reader Book  12 page books for kids to work on beginning sounds - 3Dinosaurs.com

Things to use with the Transportation ABC Easy Reader Book Printable

How to Make the Easy Reader Books

I always get asked how I make the easy reader books. Here are the simple steps that I use to make the books. I use scissors and a stapler.

Cut Down the Center of the Easy Reader Book

You start by lining up the pages and cut down the middle of the book. You want to make sure you hold the pages steady while you cut.

Free Transportation ABC Easy Reader Book  12 page books for kids to work on beginning sounds - 3Dinosaurs.com

Alternate the Pages of the Easy Reader Book

You alternate the pages of the book. The odd pages are on the top and the even pages on the bottom. You have even and then odd until all the pages are sorted.

Free Transportation ABC Easy Reader Book  12 page books for kids to work on beginning sounds - 3Dinosaurs.com

Staple the Left side of the Easy Reader Book

After you make sure all the pages of the book are lined up you staple the book on the left side. Then your easy reader books is ready to be used.

Free Transportation ABC Easy Reader Book  12 page books for kids to work on beginning sounds - 3Dinosaurs.com

Ways to Use the Transportation ABC Easy Reader Book Printable

This is a simple book. As you go through the easy reader book you trace the uppercase letter and then you can underline the letters in the sentence.

The first time you can color the book and the second time you can trace the letters with your fingers as you read the book.

Free Transportation ABC Easy Reader Book  12 page books for kids to work on beginning sounds - 3Dinosaurs.com

More Transportation Alphabet Printables

I fyou are looking for more transportation printables easy reader book works great with the Transportation ABC Letter Find

Transportation ABC Letter Find - with 53 pages of printables with uppercase letters and lowercase letters for kids to trace and find - 3Dinosaurs.com

No-Prep Transportation ABC Find

Uppercase and lowercase themed alphabet finds for kids to work on their letters. You can trace the letter then dot or color the tents.

Easy No-Prep Transportation ABC Find - easy no-prep printables with a fun camping tent theme 52 pages with uppercase and lowercase $ - 3Dinosaurs.com

What you will find in the Transportation ABC Find:

  • All 26 letters of the alphabet in Uppercase and lowercase options
  • Tracing section for each letter
  • Several letters to dot on the signs
  • 52 pages of printables
  • Price: $3.50

If you want to check out a free sample of this you can go here to check out a sample of the page.

What you will find in the Free Transportation ABC Easy Reader Book Printable

  • 1 Book with transportation beginning sound
  • Letters: b, c, m r, s, h, m, y
  • Sight Words: is, for
  • The book has 12 pages
Free Transportation ABC Easy Reader Book Printable - a fun 12 page book for kids that works on tracing uppercase letters and transportation themes that match it - 3Dinosaurs.com

Check out these Transportation

Transportation Activity Pac has ABC printables with no-prep pages, tracing strips and clip cards.

Transportation ABC Find has uppercase and lowercase letters for kids to trace and find the letters on the signs.

Transportation ABC Writing Practice is a great letter tracing set by Homeschool Preschool

Check out these ABC themed Easy Reader Books

Zoo ABC Lowercase Easy Reader Book

Pirate Themed ABC Easy Reader Book

Beach Theme ABC Easy Reader Book

Check out all the fun Transportation Printables & Activities on 3 Dinosaurs.

TransportationActivities & Printables on 3Dinosaurs.com

Cassie – 3Dinosaurs.com

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