27+ Tree Activities and Printables for Arbor Day
Trees are very important to the Earth and Arbor Day is April 28 in the United States of America. And This is where you can find a few tree printables and activities for Arbor Day.
You will find a few tree packs, tree learning to read printables, tree shapes printables, tree math printables, and tree arts and crafts.
All great for Arbor day or any tree theme you are doing.
Plus you will see a green tree, spring trees, and fall trees. And any new tree printables and activities will be added here.
What is Arbor Day?
Arbor Day a holiday that celebrates the planting, upkeep, and preservation of trees.
The Tree Activities and Printables are a great addition to the Season of Spring on the site.
Things to use with the Tree Activities And Printables
We have included links to some of the products and resources we have used with this activity. If you purchase via the links we may earn a small commission.
- printer
- white copy paper
- white cardstock
- laminator
- laminating pouches
- pencil
- markers
- crayons
- dot marker
- watercolor paper
- watercolors
- oil pastels
- I Can Name 50 Trees Today!: All About Trees
- We Planted a Tree
- Ultimate Explorer Field Guide: Trees
Tree Printables & Activities Menu
A jump to the tree printables and activities you are looking for. These are all the sections you will find below.
Tree Printable Packs
Tree ABC Printables
Tree Learning To Read Printables
Tree Number Printables
Tree Math Printables
Tree Shape Printables
Other Tree Printables
Tree Crafts
Tree Paintings
Tree Activities
Tree Printables
Below you will find all the tree printables you can use with kids on the site. You have tree printable packs, tree learning to read printables, tree math printables, tree shape printables, and other tree printables on the site.
Tree Printable Packs
These are all the tree theme printable packs you can use with kids.
Tree Weekly Pack Printables
Tree Weekly Packs are fun no-prep packs that are great for homework, morning work and more! They have 6 grade level options: PreK, Kindergarten, First Grade, Second Grade, Third Grade, and Fourth Grade. These are easy to use arbor day and Earth Day printable packs.
1. Tree Shape Pack For PreK & Kindergarten Printables

Tree Shape Pack For PreK & Kindergarten is a great pack with no-prep and hands-on activities with shapes! It is great for Prek and Kindergarten age kids. You have 12 shapes that kids can use for learning their shapes.
2. Mini Earth Day Pack Printables

Mini Earth Day Pack is a mini pack with 7 pages of activities. This set is great for fine motor activities for Earth Day. Plus there are several pages of green tree activities in t he page. These are great green tree printables for tot and preschool age kids.
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Tree ABC Printables
You will find all the alphabet printables here.
Tree ABC Letter Find Printables

Tree ABC Letter Find Printables has all 26 letters of the alphabet. You have tracing the letters and then finding the letters on the tree.
Tree ABC Matching Printable

Tree ABC Matching Printable has kids match the uppercase letter and lowercase letters with a tree theme.
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Tree Learning To Read Printables
Here are all the fun learning to read tree activities for kids.
3. Sequencing: Seasons of a Tree

Sequencing: Seasons of a Tree has clip cards, sequencing cards, cut and paste worksheets, an easy reader book, and writing pages. All to help kids learn about the seasons of a tree.
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Tree Number Printables
You will find all the number printable here for trees.
4. Tree Dot the Number Count the Number

Tree Dot the Number Count the Number has numbers from 0 to 20. You have a dot marker number and dot that count up to the number on the tree. This is a great arbor day number printable for kids in kindergarten and prek.
Tree Number Find Printable

Tree Number Find Printable has numbers from 0 to 20 with tracing the number and then finding the number on the trees below.
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Tree Math Printables
5. Fall Tree Skip Counting by 7 Easy Reader Book

Fall Tree Skip Counting by 7 Easy Reader Book is a skip counting book that works on leaves on the tree. It is a great fall skip counting pr8intable but could also be used at other times. You have skip counting by 7 twelve times in the book.
Tree Fraction Puzzle Printables

Tree Fraction Puzzles has puzzles that kids can use to build the numbers with 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10 for the puzzles.
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Tree Shape Printables
You will find all the tree shape printables here.
6. Tree Shape Matching Cards Printable

Tree Shape Matching Cards has several shapes of trees for kids to find and match the shape and the shape name. A great hands-on activity for kids in kindergarten.
7. Tree Shape Find Printable

Tree Shape Find Printable has 11 shapes for kids to trace and then find on the trees. You have shape word and geometric shape for kids to work on.
8. Tree Shape Trace and Color Printable

Tree Shape Trace and Color has a tree trunk with leaves of the tree in different shapes for kids to trace. This is a great tree fine motor center that kids can use spring, summer, and fall.
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Other Tree Printables
You will find other types of tree printables like fine motor printables and dot marker printables.
9. Tree Fine Motor Mat Printables

Tree Fine Motor Mat Printables has tree template, tree tracing, tree dot markers and tree playdough mats for kids to use. It is great for spring trees and fall trees.
10. Spring Tree Dot Marker Printables

Spring Tree Dot Marker Printables has a fun spring tree with tree options for the tree. You can dot the tree, whole just the spring blossoms on the tree or tree trunk template for crafts.
11. Fall Tree Dot Marker Printables
Fall Tree Dot Marker Printables has a fall tree with red, orange and yellow colors for the dot on the tree. A great fall tree printable to use with kids.
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Tree Crafts & Activities
You will find al the tree crafts and activities here for you to do with kids. It is a fun collection of different type of tree crafts with painting, and crafts.
Tree Crafts For Kids
Lots of fun tree painting crafts to do with kids.
12. Spring Green Tree Wreath Craft

Spring Green Tree Wreath Craft is a fun wreath that kids can make for Arbor day, spring or Earth Day. It has branches and a few leaves on the branches for kids to make.
13. Washi Tape Green Trees Craft
Washi Tape Green Trees are perfect to make for Earth Day! This is a great fine motor craft for kids to make. You make the whole tree from washi tape.
14. Model Magic Spring Tree

Model Magic Spring Tree is a super fun way to make a spring tree. You have a foam ball with model magic and then a paper roll for the trunk.
Yarn Green Tree Craft

Yarn Green Tree Craft is a fun tree out of green yarn. We used light and dark green yarn and then made this fun tree for Arbor Day.
15. Spring Yarn Tree Craft For Kids

Spring Yarn Tree Craft is a fun tree for spring make out of yarn. You can use light pink and dark pink yarn to make the tree.
16. Fall Yarn Tree Craft For Kids
Fall Yarn Tree Craft is great fall craft for trees. I tis a great way to make a fall tree with yarn makes it very interesting.
17. Fall Tree Watercolor & Oil Pastels

Fall Tree Watercolor & Oil Pastels is a mixed art project to do with kids. You use a leaf punch and oil pastels to make this wonderful fall tree.
18. Winter Evergreen Tree Wreath Craft

Winter Evergreen Tree Wreath Craft is a great winter three theme for an evergreen tree. It is easy to make and a fun painting activity for kids.
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Tree Paintings For Kids
Here are some fun tree paintings that you can do with kids.
19. Paper Roll Green Tree

Paper Roll Green Tree is a fun craft made with watercolors and paper rolls. You can paint the tree trunk with watercolors and then make the leaves of the tree with a paper roll. We used green glitter for the top of the tree.
20. Watercolor Process Art Green Tree

Watercolor Process Art Green Tree is a great Arbor day painting for kids. You can mix watercolors and see the color spread in the tree. A fun painting idea for Earth Day as well.
21. Watercolor Spring Birch Trees

Watercolor Spring Birch Trees is a great mixed art with oil pastels and watercolors to make a tree for spring. And kids can have fun making them.
22. Watercolor winter Birch Trees

Watercolor winter Birch Trees has birch trees in winter with this fun painting and oil pastel activity for kids.
23. Paper Roll Painted Spring Tree

Paper Roll Painted Spring Tree is a fun tree for spring that has paper roll painting for the blossoms and watercolor for the trunk of the tree. A great arbor or spring craft for kids.
24. Paper Roll Stamped Fall Tree

Paper Roll Painted Fall Tree uses watercolors for the trunk and then paper rolls for stamping red, yellow and orange the tree. A great fall tree craft for kids.
25. Fall Tree Watercolor and Q-Tip Painting

Fall Tree Watercolor and Q-Tip Painting has a watercolor background and tree trunk and then used cotton swabs to paint the fall tree. A great fine motor painting activity for fall.
26. Watercolor Evergreen Trees With Cookie Cutters

Watercolor Evergreen Trees With Cookie Cutters is a fun Christmas tree watercolor painting. But it also works great for an evergreen tree painting.
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Tree Activities
Tree & Kinetic Sand Sensory Bin

Tree & Kinetic Sand Sensory Bin has a fun sand and tree bin you can use for Arbor Day or even Earth Day.
Tree & Rice Sensory Bin

Tree & Rice Sensory Bin is a simple sensory bin with trees and rice. It takes under 30 seconds to set up and works great for Arbor Day.
27. Tree Fine Motor Activities

Tree Fine Motor Activities is a collection of activities that you can do for trees. You have torn paper crafts, dot markers, tracing and more in this fun tree activity ideas.
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Cassie – 3Dinosaurs.com