Turkey Themed No-Prep Weekly Packs
I love turkey activities for Thanksgiving. They are always loads of fun and so many ways to have fun with them. Plus these turkeys are not just turkeys! They are in disguise and hiding.
The Turkey Themed No-Prep Weekly packs have fun activities to keep kids learning in November.
You have lots of levels of learning so that kids can have a great time with a mix of no-prep math and no-prep language in each Turkey Week pack!
We have included links to some of the products and resources we have used with this activity. If you purchase via the links we may earn a small commission.
I made the Turkey week to work with the book Turkey Trouble. I love this book for Thanksgiving!
The printables have 5 days of activities with Turkeys and Turkeys in disguise! Plus these are great for Thanksgiving!
The no-prep pack has 4 pages of printables for each day. You will find a mix of math and language in each of the sets for the different grade levels.
There are six grade levels: Prek, Kindergarten, First Grade, Second Grade, Third Grade, and Fourth Grade.
Click here to buy the PreK Turkey Themed Weekly No-Prep Pack at Teachers Pay Teachers
Click here to buy the Kindergarten Turkey Themed Weekly No-Prep Pack at Teachers Pay Teachers
Click here to buy the First Grade Turkey Themed Weekly No-Prep Pack at Teachers Pay Teachers
Click here to buy the Second Grade Turkey Themed Weekly No-Prep Pack at Teachers Pay Teachers
Click here to buy the Third Grade Turkey Themed Weekly No-Prep Pack at Teachers Pay Teachers
Click here to buy the Fourth Grade Turkey Themed Weekly No-Prep Pack at Teachers Pay Teachers
PreK Turkey Themed Weekly Pack
The PreK Weekly pack work on prewriting, letters, shapes, and numbers in fun and easy to use activities that build confidence in kids.

What you will find in the Prek Turkey No-Prep Weekly Pack
- 4 pages of printables each day
- 5 days of no-prep worksheets
- ABCs: T, C, D, F, M, P
- Numbers: 1, 2, 3, 4
- Shapes: pentagon
- Color: brown
- Price $3
Kindergarten Turkey Themed Weekly Pack
The Kindergarten Weekly Pack work on sight words, letter sounds, CVC words, numbers, addition, counting, and more. Each day builds confidence for the kids to work on each of the different skills. These printables are great for fall learning and turkeys for Thanksgiving.

What you will find in the Kindergarten Turkey No-Prep Weekly Pack
- 4 pages of printables each day
- 5 days of no-prep worksheets
- Sight Words: away, for, in, my, where
- CVC: -en and -et
- Lowercase Letters, Disguise a Turkey, Read the Sentences, Color the Feathers
- Math: Which has more, Cut & Paste Telling Time, Color the Shapes, Subtraction, Measure the Feathers, Matching Money, Number Words, Number After
- Price $3
First Grade Turkey Themed Weekly Packs
The First Grade packs have a mix of sight words, CVCC words, digraphs, blends, addition, subtraction, place value, counting, graphing, and more. All to help build skills for kids coming into first grade.

What you will find in the First Grade Turkey No-Prep Weekly Pack
- 4 pages of printables each day
- 5 days of no-prep worksheets
- CVCC Words: OCK & UCK
- Sight Words: as, fly, of, open, think
- Matching Picture and Sentences, Roll & Read, Disguise Turkey Writing, Number Words 1 to 4 and 5 to 8
- Math: Skip Counting Cut & Paste, Matching Coins, Fill in the Number Between, Spinning Fractions, Place Value Numbers, Adding Doubles, Word Problems, Missing Number Addition
- Price $3
Second Grade Turkey Themed Weekly Pack
The Second Grade pack work on building new skills for second grade. These are an easy way to build confidence in kids learning. Plus you have no-prep and hands-on activities to match together. You will find CVCe words, sight words, place value, reading, addition, subtraction, and more.

What you will find in the Second Grade Turkey No-Prep Weekly Pack
- 4 pages of printables each day
- 5 days of no-prep worksheets
- CVCe Words: ATE & AVE
- Sight Words: because, its, sit, use, which
- Acrostic Poem Turkey, Matching Picture & Word, Label the Turkey, Writing Disguise a Turkey, Sorting Syllables, Direct Draw Turkey
- Math: Fractions, Telling Time, Adding Coins, 3D Shapes, Even & Odd, Addition, Ordinal Numbers
- Price $3
Third Grade Turkey Themed Weekly Pack
The Third Grade weekly pack work on review long vowel words, cursive, addition, place value, sight words, reading sentences, skip counting, and more. These are made to build confidence in kids learning skills.

What you will find in the Third Grade Turkey No-Prep Weekly Pack
- 4 pages of printables each day
- 5 days of no-prep worksheets
- Cursive Letter: T
- Long Vowel Words: ANG & ANK
- Sight Words: drink, if, kind, only, own
- Acrostic Poem Turkey, Draw the Turkey
- Math: Comparing Fractions, Draw the Area, Not a Turkey, Spinning Multiplication, Rounding Numbers, Spin and Solve Division, Adding Menu Items
- Price $3
Fourth Grade Turkey Themed Weekly Pack
The fourth grade pack is great for fourth-grade level learning. You have cursive words, nouns and verbs, draw and write, fixing sentences, and more. These are easy to use and are great skill review for kids. Plus there are no-prep to make it easy to just print and use!

What you will find in the Fourth Grade Turkey No-Prep Weekly Pack
- 4 pages of printables each day
- 5 days of no-prep worksheets
- Cursive: T, C, F, D, M
- ELA: Draw & Label the Turkey, Acrostic Poem Turkey, Prepositions, Write the Story, Alphabetical order, Fix the sentences, Finding Nouns & Verbs, I’m not a Turkey Writing
- Math: Ordering Breakfast, Spinning Multiplication 1 to 5 and 6 to 10, Measure the Units, Mixed Fractions, Writing Factor Pairs, Finish the Pattern, Color the Angles, Long Division, Place Value Activities
- Price $3
Check out all the fun Thanksgiving Activities & Printables on 3 Dinosaurs.
Cassie – 3Dinosaurs.com
For some reason Adobe is saying the “author has not given permissions for printing” the packets. Please, help, I’m trying to print for my kids. Thank you.
All my PDF allow for printing. They don’t allow for edits but they do allow for printing. I checked all the pdfs for Turkey Week allow for printing.
I would suggest printing on a computer as phones and tablets don’t print the same way a computer does.
Please make sure your adobe acrobat reader is up to date. You need to make sure you are just printing and not printing to a file first and then printing.
You can see all my help files on printing at the link below.