Watercolor Process Art Corn
There are so many fun Thanksgiving Themes that kids can do! I love the idea of corn and learning about it.
This watercolor corn art is a great way to explore the textures of corn in a fun way. Plus this is a process art so everyone can do it their own way.
We have included links to some of the products and resources we have used with this activity. If you purchase via the links we may earn a small commission.
I read two books about corn Corn and Corn Is Maize: The Gift of the Indians (Let’s-Read-and-Find-Out Science 2)
I love the information you learn about corn in each of these books. I like to read a book with our crafts if I can find one.
What you need to make the Watercolor Corn Art
These are all the items we use the make our watercolor corn painting. Plus any another suggested items in the post.

How to make the Watercolor Process Art Corn
We took the corn outline and traced it on our watercolor paper three times. This was for the corn and the husk.

We outlined two in green only pastel for the husk and one in yellow pastel for the corn. You want to make sure the line is solid so the water does not leak out.

Next, we used a big paint brush and painted plain water on the watercolor paper. We did this for all three parts of the corn.

For the husk part of the corn, we draw straight lines in the water. This gave the husk a different feel. You can repeat as many lines as you want. It is fun to see the color mix in the water.

We then painted the corn. We used little dots of paint to make the corn kernel. You can see how the paint starts to spread about and makes fun look to the corn. we used a mix of colors with yellow, orange, red, and purple.

Then we put the paper aside to dry.
After it was dry we cut out the husk and the corn. We tried to stay as close to the oil pastel as we could.

Then we finally glued out corn onto blue construction paper.

A look at our Watercolor Corn Process Art
Check out these other Corn & Thanksgiving crafts
Corn Dot the Number & Count the Dots has corn counting numbers from 0 to 20
Roll A Cornucopia Printable: Counting, Addition & Multiplication has corn as one of the ingredients.
Fingerprint Corn is a variation on this corn activity.
Yarn Corn Activity is a fun way to make corn with yarn!
Check out all the fun Thanksgiving Activities & Printables on 3 Dinosaurs.
Cassie – 3Dinosaurs.com