
Winter Evergreen Tree Wreath Craft

Evergreen trees are a huge part of winter. And they are also a great winter craft that you can do with kids.

This simple winter evergreen tree wreath craft is easy to make and a great winter wreath. You can learn about the trees and make the wreath.

You can punch, glue, and paint and have a fun making this wreath.

Winter Evergreen Tree Wreath Craft - a fun winter theme wreath with evergreen trees with white q-tip painting a fun craft for prek and kindergarten - 3Dinosaurs.com

The Evergreen Tree Wreath Craft is a great addition to the winter crafts and the wreath crafts on the site.

What is a Wreath Craft

A wreath is a collection of items around a circle. It can be used as a seasonal decoration around a house.

Evergreen Tree Wreath Craft

The evergreen tree wreath craft is an evergreen tree wreath with snow on the trees. You use a craft punch to make the trees and paint the green trees with white to make the snow.

Books to Read with the Evergreen Tree Wreath

The Tree Book for Kids and Their Grown-Ups has information about lots of trees and great to read with kids. You can look through and learn about different types of evergreen trees.

Ultimate Explorer Field Guide: Trees has loads of information about trees. And you can read about the different evergreen trees and where you can see them.

Nature All Around: Trees is great for looking at trees. You can compare the branches and leaves and what makes a tree an evergreen tree.

What we used to make the Evergreen Tree Wreath Craft

We have included links to some of the products and resources we have used with this activity. If you purchase via the links we may earn a small commission.

Winter Evergreen Tree Wreath Craft - a fun winter theme wreath with evergreen trees with white q-tip painting a fun craft for prek and kindergarten - 3Dinosaurs.com

How we made the Evergreen Tree Wreath Craft

You can see the steps below that we used to make the Evergreen Tree wreath craft.

Punch Out the Green Trees

You want to start by punching out some green trees. We used three colors for the evergreen trees.

You can see below the size different for the trees.

You can have kids punch out the trees or have the trees punch out in advance.

Winter Evergreen Tree Wreath Craft - a fun winter theme wreath with evergreen trees with white q-tip painting a fun craft for prek and kindergarten - 3Dinosaurs.com

Glue on the Green Trees on the Paper Plate

Next you glue the trees on the paper plate. You can put them around the wreath in order that you want.

There is not wrong or right way to put the trees around the wreath.

You can place the trees around the wreath before you glue or just glue the trees on as you go.

Winter Evergreen Tree Wreath Craft - a fun winter theme wreath with evergreen trees with white q-tip painting a fun craft for prek and kindergarten - 3Dinosaurs.com

Paint White on the Green Tree

You use a q-tip and white paint to paint the green trees. You can see we use a cotton swab because it is great for small amount of paint on each of the trees.

You can paint the trees how ever you want and let kids be creative about it. No two wreaths will look the same.

Winter Evergreen Tree Wreath Craft - a fun winter theme wreath with evergreen trees with white q-tip painting a fun craft for prek and kindergarten - 3Dinosaurs.com

I hope you enjoy this craft as much as we have.

Final look at our Evergreen Tree Wreath Craft

Winter Evergreen Tree Wreath Craft - a fun winter theme wreath with evergreen trees with white q-tip painting a fun craft for prek and kindergarten - 3Dinosaurs.com
Winter Evergreen Tree Wreath Craft - a fun winter theme wreath with evergreen trees with white q-tip painting a fun craft for prek and kindergarten - 3Dinosaurs.com

More Winter Activities for Kids

Easy To Paint Watercolor Birch Trees are a super simple winter painting activities. You use watercolors and oil pastels to make an amazing picture. Plus you can also check out the book we read with it.

Fun to Make Watercolor Snowflakes is a great activity using cookie cutters. It makes a great collage of snowflakes on the paper.

Winter Evergreen Wreath Craft is a fun evergreen tree painting on a wreath for kids. A super fun way to make a winter art project.

Watercolor & Oil Pastel Snowflakes Painting is a fun painting activity for winter. You can see how the snowflake stand out and make a great picture.

Check out all the fun Winter & Snow Activities & Printables on 3 Dinosaurs.

Winter & Snow Activities & Printables - 3Dinosaurs.com

Cassie – 3Dinosaurs.com

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