FREE ABC Writing Practice Dice
Kids love different ways to work on practicing their abc writing practice. The free ABC Writing Practice Dice helps create fun ways to write letters in with this learning center.
You can make a fun writing center for the letters with all the activities. It gives you different ways to records and learns letter writing that can grow with kids.
Plus kids have loved that the dice are a fun change in how they are learning.
We have included links to some of the products and resources we have used with this activity. If you purchase via the links we may earn a small commission.
I know that having writing centers for while learning to write letters is important. And I also know that when learning writing there is not just one way that always works.
That is why I made the letter formation dice.
There are type types of dice. You have a folding dice and a incerts for cube dice.
You can see the two side by side here. I love the cube dice because they are more flexible.

You also have some learning center printables. These are great for when you want to practice the letters over and over with dry eraser markers. You have a place to place the letter and write the letters and another to write a BIG letter.

And finally, you have some recording pages. These are great when you want to see all the letters they write with the dice. There is a version with boxes and space for letters and a line of the same letter.

Things to use with the ABC Letter Practice Dice
I always get asked what we used with the printables and in the post. Here is a list of all the items we used.
- printer
- copy paper
- white cardstock
- color cardstock
- sheet protectors
- laminator
- laminating pouches
- cube dice
- pencil
- fine line markers
- dry erase markers
- big dry erase markers
- playdough
- 1 inch ring
- hole punch
- tape
- Number Dice
How to make the folding dice
I rarely use the folding dice because we use the cube dice inserts to change it up easier.
I print the ABC dice we are going to use. If you plan to use it a lot I recommend printing on cardstock.
I cut the dice out and then fold all the lines. You can see what the dice looks like after it is cut out and folded.

I start to fold the paper into a square. While I am doing this I tape two folds in the middle on the dice. You can do the outside but I like at least one set of tape on the inside.

You finished folding the dice to make a square and fold the different sides together.

Ways to use the ABC Writing Practice Dice
You can roll the dice and place it on the mat and then write the letter below. I have the writing practice page in a sheet protector and use dry erase markers
. I like to store them that way. You can write and erase and repeat several times!

Don’t want to do the dice. You don’t have to! Just place one of the letters and do the same as above! When I use just the cards I print them on cardstock to help them last longer.

Now you can always use the bigger mat for letters. You can do one letter at a time. I like to place it in a sheet protector. (I store them that way with the cube inserts and mats together). Then I use a big dry erase marker for the tracing.

If you want a change make it a hands-on activity. Challenge kids to make a playdough letter! Yup playdough works wonders. You can use the letter formate on the card and then make the letter.

Another fun writing center is the writing pages. You write the letter on each line. You have two line options. You can write until you read the end.
Or you can check up the letter writing with the number dice. You can roll the ABC dice and number dice together. Then write the letter how many times comes up on the number dice.
So the letter M came up and the number 6. So you write the letter M six times.

Now if you don’t want to use the dice and all you don’t have to! I love to print the letters on color cardstock to change up the season. Then I put them on a ring
to keep them together for the learning center.

You can also take the letters on a ring and give them the writing practice page. They can then write each letter across the paper. You can change up the ring to fit what you are teaching.
You can put the page in a sheet protector or laminate if you want to use it over and over.

One last way to use these is with the final writing page. It has space for 12 letters to write. You can give them a mix of letters or have them roll the letters. Then they write the letter they have in each space. Easy way to change up writing.

What you will find in the Free Writing Practice ABC Dice
- Cube Dice: A to Z with uppercase & lowercase letters
- Dice to print & cut out: A to Z with uppercase & lowercase letter
- 2 writing pages (single line or line guides)
- ABC letter recording page for single letters
- Big ABC letter tracing guidelines
- Learning center practice page
- 24 pages total
Check out these other ABC Writing and Tracing Printables
Romping & Roaring ABC Writing Practice
ABC Folding Book: Dot Trace & Color
Romping & Roaring ABC Packs
Cassie –
I’m going to tuck this great dice idea away for a few months until my son is ready. He loves dice so I know it will be fantastic once his fine motor skills come along a bit more. I pinned it to my preschool board. Thanks!
Great activities for writing practice, thank you for sharing at Share it Saturday!
I’m wanting to download your letter dice, is there a way to download it w/o downloading the application? It is not compatible with my O.S. or with the Surface…not sure which.
The dice look like a fun way to get my girls to practice their writing while making it fun.
It sounds like you are clicking on an ad. There is not application to go through. It is just a simple text link on the ABC Download page. Read over the PDF for more help