Yarn Paper Plate Christmas Wreath
Wreaths are one of the great Christmas decorations. This is a very simple and easy to make wreath. My girls love working with yarn for crafts. This is an easy craft that many different age groups can do together.
Yarn is a great craft to work with. It adds fun texture to pictures and activities.
What you need for this activity: paper plate, green yarn, metalic pom poms and glue.

She worked in segments. She started with the glue and put the glue on the plate. We had fun working on patterns and covering the whole plate while she did it.

She placed the yarn around the plate. After she had on the yarn on she patted down the yarn so it would stick on the plate.

She would hold up the plate after putting the yarn on so that the extra would fall off.

Next she put the on the red and white pom poms. I let her decide how she wanted to do it. She started out putting the glue directly on the pom poms and she changed it later to put the glue on the plate and then placed the pom poms. It was fun to watch her learn what would work best for her.

Here is a look at the finished product.
Looking for other Christmas activities check these out:
- 12 Days of Christmas: 5 Gold Rings Water Color Painting
- Christmas Light Sensory Bin
- Fine Motor: Sorting Christmas Lights
If you are looking for Christmas printables check out these:
Cassie – 3Dinosaurs.com
Such a simple way for kids to help decorate!
So fun and cute!