Yarn Rainbow Craft
Spring has so many great themes and we love rainbows. We have done several projects over the years with rainbows. It is always fun to have a new project to do.
This time we have a yarn rainbow. It is super simple and fun for kids of all ages to do.
Plus it is a great addition to any spring or St. Patrick’s Day activity.
Rainbows are so much fun and they are colorful and cheer a lot of people up. We have always had one favorite rainbow book at our house. It is What Makes a Rainbow? Magic Ribbon Book.
It is a fun and creative way to read about rainbows. I love the ribbons added as you read the book.
What you need for this craft:
- blue construction paper
- glue
- red yarn
- orange yarn
- yellow yarn
- green yarn
- blue yarn
- purple yarn
- cotton balls
- scissors
(not shown in picture)
- foam brush
(not shown in picture)

How to make the Yarn Rainbow
You start off by putting the glue on the paper. You want the glue to cover the whole area you want to put the yarn on. We used foam brushes to put the glue on.

Then you line up the yarn on the glue. We did 4 or 5 strings of yarn. You can do as many as you want. Plus we each did our own shape and size of the rainbow.

The next step can be done at any time. We each did it at different times. You cut the extra yarn on that goes off the paper.

You can see how one of us did it with more colors on the page.

Now you just keep adding more and more layers of colors to the rainbow.

The final step that we did was to add the cotton balls on our rainbows. We dip the cotton ball in glue and placed it on our rainbow.

Here is a look at our final rainbows

Check out these other rainbow ideas:
Be sure to check out all the Spring Activities and Printables on 3 Dinosaurs.
Be sure to check out all the St. Patrick’s Day Activities and Printables on 3 Dinosaurs.
Cassie – 3Dinosaurs.com