Yarn Truffula Trees with The Lorax
Yarn Truffula Trees are a great craft to do for a Dr Seuss week. These are simple to make and they are a great craft that kids will just love.
Last year we made Torn Paper Truffula Trees. This year we did something slightly different, but the same idea with yarn!
The Yarn Truffula Trees has a few different parts to make this fun craft with kids. And you can read the book before making the trees

The Torn Paper Truffula Trees is an excellent addition to the Dr Seuss activities on the site.
Yarn Truffula Tree Craft
The Yarn Truffula Tree Craft is a super simple craft that kids in preschool and older can make. You can prepare all the parts ahead of time. Then, let kids put the craft together.
You can make this simple truffula tree craft in about 10 to 15 minutes depending on the age of the kids. This is a fun Dr. Seuss Truffula Tree craft.
The yarn trufflua tree craft is just one of the many the lorax art activities on the site.
Book to Read with the Yarn Truffula Trees
Read the book The Lorax (Classic Seuss) And yes the book is all about the Truffula Trees. They are such a fun idea to do crafts. After reading the book we then made yarn Truffula Trees.
What you Need for the Yarn Truffula Trees
We have included links to some of the products and resources we have used with this activity. If you purchase via the links we may earn a small commission.
- blue & green construction paper
- brown marker
- craft sticks – we used three each
- red yarn
- yellow yarn
- orange yarn
- purple yarn
- glue

Making the Yarn Strands
We used two fingers to make the size of the lengths of the yarn. We cut the circle and then cut the length in half again for the yarn. We did four colors but you can use any colors that you wanted to use.

How to make the Yarn Truffula Trees
You are going to see all the steps we used to make the yarn truffula tree. We really enjoy making these.
Step 1: Put Glue on the Green Paper
You are going to take the green paper and tear the paper in half. You can have the paper torn before you start. Then you are going to put glue on the green paper. You want to make sure to get the edges and the center to help the paper stick.

Step 2: Glue on the Green paper to the Blue
Next you are going to place the green paper on the blue paper. You are going to plan the paper on the on the bottom of the blue paper. This will make the grass or hill of the craft.

Step 3: Draw Lines on the Craft Stick
You are going to take the three craft sticks. You are going to draw lines on the craft sticks for the lines on the truffula trees. You can use a skinny brown marker for older kids and use the larger marker for younger kids.
The lines can be small, big, lots of space between. it does not matter how the lines look as long as there are lines. And letting kids make their own lines their own way helps make the craft theirs.

Step 4: Glue on the Craft Sticks
You are going to put a line o glue down the back of the craft sticks. Each craft stick should have just one line.

Then you are going to take the craft stick and press it onto the page. You want to space them out but once again if the trees are close together that is okay. Let kids make their own mind as to where their three trees will be.

Step 5: Put Glue on Around the Top of the Craft Stick
You are going to put glue around the top of the trees. You can do all the glue at one time or one tree at a time. It does not matter the order you do the trees in either.

Step 6: Put the Yarn On the Glue
You are going to take clumps or yarn and press it onto the glue. You can do one tree at a time or do all the trees together.

After you have the yarn on the trees, you want to press the yarn into the trees. This helps the yarn stick to the glue. You can stand the craft up and see what yarns falls off after that.

Here is a Look at Our Finished Yarn Truffula Tree Craft

Here are some other fun Dr. Seuss Activities
Torn Paper Truffula Trees are great for building fine motor skills are you tear and glue paper on the trees. You can work on fine motor skills while tearing the paper
Watercolor & Oil Pastel Truffula Trees is another fun truffula tree craft kids can make. This is a great mixed art with making the trees first and then painting.
Dr Seuss’s ABCs Gross Motor Activities has 26 plus great ideas for gross motor to go with the book! These are loads of fun and an easy way to change up what you are doing.
Cat in the Hat Themed: Gross Motor Activity was a blast for us. See all the great movements you can do while reading the book. Each of the movements comes right from the Cat in the Hat book and can be used every time you read the book.
Check out these other Dr. Seuss Activities on 3 Dinosaurs.
Cassie – 3Dinosaurs.com

What an adorable craft to go along with The Lorax. Thanks for sharing at the After School Link Up.
These are adorable little trees! Pinning it to my Dr. Seuss board!
These are so cute! I’ve actually not read The Lorax to the kids, but they’ve seen the movie. I’ll bet they will like these!
Thanks for linking up to The Thoughtful Spot!
So colorful! I am featuring your post tomorrow in After School Round Up.
Love these!! Thanks for sharing at After School!