Zoo Blends & Digraph Easy Reader Book
There are many parts of learning to read and I love having a variety of tools to teach those skills. Easy reader books have been a favorite for us. Everyone now and then something just pops up and make a good easy reader book.
I love the different variety of zoo animals that there are. I have a beginning sound easy reader book and I thought a blend and digraph book for zoo animals would be fun as well! Kids love when they can have a fun theme to learn with.
This post is part of the 5 Days of Zoo Printables.
This Zoo Blends & Digraph book goes great with my zoo pack.
The book has the following animals: cheetah, skunk, snake, squirrel, sloth, swan, and frog.
Each of the pages has the blends in capital letters that they can color in.

How We Used These Printables
As we go about using the page we underline the blend or digraph that we are working on. And then we color the page however we want. You can see that the blend on this page is “SL”. So we underline it at the start of the sentence and in the word sloth.

This is a fun way to learn a few blends and digraphs while learning with animals.
What you will find in these printables:
- 1 Book
- Blends and Digraphs: ch, sk, sn, squ, sl, sw, and fr.
- Sight Words: is, for
- The book has 8 pages
Check out all 5 Days of the Zoo Printables.
Cassie – 3Dinosaurs.com