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57+ Earth Day Printables & Activities

There have been several different Earth Day Activities added to the site over the years. I thought it would be fun to round them all up. There are so many activities that you can do for Earth Day. And a lot of these activities also work for Arbor Day as well.

You are going to find printables, hands-on, activities, crafts, and more we have done. There are so many projects you could do for Earth Day! Plus new things are being added all the time.

57+ Earth Day Printables & Activities on 3 Dinosaurs - abc, numbers, themed packs, crafts, painting and hands-on activities and more- 3Dinosaurs.com

What is Earth Day?

Earth Day is a powerful movement that unites us in a common goal: to create a more sustainable and eco-friendly world for present and future generations. It is a day to celebrate the beauty of nature, raise awareness about environmental issues, and inspire collective action to protect our planet.

Earth Day is on April 22 every year.

You have themes like recycling, The Earth, planting plants, trees and more about saving the planet.

We have included links to some of the products and resources we have used with this activity. If you purchase via the links we may earn a small commission.

Things to use with the Earth Day Printables & Activities

Earth Day Printables & Activities Menu

A jump to the Earth Day printables and activities you are looking for. These are all the sections you will find below.

Earth Day Printable Packs
Earth Day Learning to Read Printables
Earth Day Writing Printables
Earth Day ABCs Printables
Earth Day Numbers Printables
Earth Day Math Printables
Earth Day Shape Printables
Other Earth Day Printables
Earth Craft & Paintings for Earth Day
Tree Crafts and Paintings for Earth Day
Earth Day Sensory Bins
Activities You Can Do Outside for Earth Day
The Lorax Crafts for Earth Day

Earth Day Printables

This is where you will find all the Earth Day printables. As more are added to the website they will be added here. There are themed packs, ABCs, writing, and more.

Earth Day Printables & Activities on 3 Dinosaurs - 3Dinosaurs.com

Earth Day Printable Packs

1. Earth Day No-Prep Weekly Packs Printables

Earth Day No-Prep Weekly Packs are great no-prep printable packs for Earth Day. They have 5 days of printables with 4 pages for each day. You will find packs for prek, kindergarten, first grade, second grade, third grade, and fourth grade.

2. No-Prep Life Cycle of Plant Weekly Packs Printables

No-Prep Life Cycle of Plant Weekly Packs Printables are great no-prep printable packs for Earth Day and spring. They have 5 days of printables with 4 pages for each day. You will find packs for prek, kindergarten, first grade, second grade, third grade, and fourth grade.

Tree Weekly Pack Printables

Tree Weekly Packs are fun no-prep packs that are great for homework, morning work and more! They have 6 grade level options: PreK, Kindergarten, First Grade, Second Grade, Third Grade, and Fourth Grade. These are easy to use arbor day and Earth Day printable packs.

3. Earth Day Bundle for Preschool and Kindergarten Printables

Earth Day Bundle for Preschool and Kindergarten has all the preschool to kindergarten printables in my store in an easy to get bundle. It has printable packs, ABCs, Numbers, Shapes and more.

4. Earth Day Learning Pack Printables

Earth Day Learning Pack is a printable learning pack with a mix of hands-on and no prep activities for kindergarten to third grade. It has over 55 pages. There is also a pack that works for tot and preschool. It has 33 pages and has a mix of activities for learning.

5. Tree Shape Pack For PreK & Kindergarten Printables

Tree Shape Themed Pack For PreK & Kindergarten - A fun pack full of shape activities with trees. It has a mix of no-prep and hands-on activities for kids for 12 shapes - 3Dinosaurs.com

Tree Shape Pack For PreK & Kindergarten is a great pack with no-prep and hands-on activities with shapes! It is great for Prek and Kindergarten age kids. You have 12 shapes that kids can use for learning their shapes.

6. Mini Earth Day Pack Printables

Hands-On & Fine Motor: Free Mini Earth Day Pack - fun 12 page pack with fine motor tracing, dot marker and coloring fun for Earth Day - 3Dinosaurs.com

Mini Earth Day Pack is a really mini pack with 7 pages of activities. This set is great for fine motor activities for Earth Day. These are great earth day printables for tot and preschool age kids.

7. Mini World Pack Printables

Mini World Pack is great to learn about the world we live on. You can learn contents and see maps to label and color.

8. Life Cycle of a Plant Pack Printables

Life Cycle of a Plant Pack is a great one for Earth Day to learn more about plants. You can learn about what plants need and the different parts of a life cycle.

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Earth Day Learning to Read Printables

You will find all the learning to read themes here for Earth day.

9. Sequencing: How to Recycle Printables

Sequencing Cards Set for Spring & Earth Day - Currently 5 new sequencing sets: How to Grow Plant, How To Recycle, Life Cycle of a Plant, How to Grow a Garden, How To Pick Strawberries, and The Water Cycle . They have clip cards, task cards, no-prep worksheets and easy reader books $ - 3Dinosaurs.com #printablesforkids #sequencingforkids #earthday #springprintables #tpt #teacherspayteachers

Sequencing: How to Recycle is a fun set with how to recycle. You have an easy reader book, clip cards and more to work on recycling.

10. Sequencing: Seasons of a Tree Printables

Sequencing: Seasons of a Tree with clip cards, task cards, no-prep worksheets and easy reader books $ - 3Dinosaurs.com #printablesforkids #sequencingforkids #earthday #fourseasons #tpt #teacherspayteachers

Sequencing: Seasons of a Tree is a fun set about going from spring time through winter with the seasons of a tree. You see all four seasons a tree goes through with clip cards, easy reader books, and writing pages.

11. Earth Day Easy Reader Books Printables

Free Earth Day Easy Read Book - with an 8 page book with kids that kids can do to help the Earth with sight words I can- 3Dinosaurs.com

Earth Day Word & Easy Reader Books are some fun early reader books for preschool and kindergarten. These are simple and easy earth day printable easy reader books for kids.

12. Earth Day Easy Reader Books Set Printables

Earth Day Word & Easy Reader Books - 3 book options with teacher print version also includes Earth Day vocab chart and writing $3 - 3Dinosaurs.com

Earth Day Easy Reader Books Set has 3 book version with ABCs words and sentences. You have earth day vocab sheets, writing sentences and writing from the book in the easy reader book set.

13. Earth Day Bookmarks Printables

Earth Day Bookmarks has 3 pages of bookmarks with 12 total bookmarks. You can use these are fun to use during Earth Day.

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Earth Day Writing Printables

14. Earth Day Writing Prompts Printables

Earth Day Writing Prompts have 7 fun questions to draw and write about. They have two line types and space to draw about the questions that are asked. These are great earth day printables for kindergarten, first grade, and second grade.

15. Nature Theme Writing Pages Printables

Nature Theme Writing Pages are fun to use for Earth Day. They have notes about what you saw and a place to draw pictures of what you saw. It has several different types for kids to use.

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Earth Day ABCs Printables

All the ABC Printables for Earth Day can be found here.

16. Earth Day ABC Find Printables

Earth Day ABC & Number Find - easy to use no-prep printables that work on all letters of the alphabet and nubmers 1 to 20 $ - 3Dinosaurs.com

Earth Day ABC Find is a great no-prep printable that has uppercase and lowercase letters. You can trace the letter then find the letter on the recycle bin. These are a great earth day printables for prek and kindergarten.

17. Earth ABC Tracing Strip Printables

Free Earth ABC Tracing Strips - with uppercase and lowercase together. You have fun kids with an Earth, plus you can see an example of how to trace the letters - 3Dinosaurs.com

Earth ABC Tracing Strip Printables has all 26 letters of the alphabet with uppercase and lowercase letters together. A great Earth Day learning center for kids.

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Earth Day Numbers Printables

You will find all the number printables here.

18. Earth Day Number Color and Trace Printables

No-Prep Earth Day Themed Number Color and Trace - easy no-prep printables with three fun Earth Day themes: Earth Day, flowers and garden 44 pages for each set with two options for the numbers tracing or writing $ - 3Dinosaurs.com #noprepprintable #earthday #numbersforkids

Earth Day Number Color and Trace has nubmers 0 to 20 with tracing or writing. These are a great earth day printables for kindergarten and first grade.

19. Earth Day Number Find Printables

Earth Day Number Find - easy to use no-prep printable numbers 0 to 20 $ - 3Dinosaurs.com

Earth Day Number Find is a great activity for kids to do to work on numbers in a no-prep printable. These are a great earth day printables for prek and kindergarten.

20. Earth Day Dot the Number Count the Number Printables

Earth Day Themed Dot the Number Count the Number: Recycle, Earth & Tree - a fun set of printables that work on numbers 0 to 20 for kids - 3Dinosaurs.com

Earth Day Themed Dot the Number Count the Number has three fun themes: Recycle, Earth & Tree. You can work on numbers 0 to 20 with this set! These are a great earth day printables for prek and kindergarten.

21. Recycling Number Order Task Cards Printables

Free Recycling Themed Number Order Task Cards - 3 levels of learning with 3 sets of task card and worksheet to have kids put the numbers in order - 3Dinosaurs.com

Recycling Themed Number Order Task Cards works on numbers 1 to 10, 1 to 20, and 1 to 100.

22. Earth Day Ten Frame Cards Printables

Free Earth Day Ten Frame Cards - two different types of cards to use - 3Dinosaurs.com

Easy To Use Earth Day Ten Frame Cards are a great hands-on activity for counting and math. It has numbers 1 to 10.

23. Earth Day Ten Frame Cards Set Printables

You can also buy a full set of the Earth Day Ten Frame Cards that has numbers 1 to 20 plus more ten frame cards, matching worksheets and easy reader books.

24. Earth Number Tracing Strip Printables

Free Earth Number Tracing Strips - with numbers 0 to 20. You can tracing the numbers and an example of how to trace the numbers on the strips, plus an Earth on each tracing strip. - 3Dinosaurs.com

Earth Number Tracing Strip has numbers from 0 to 20 for tracing. You have an example of how to trace the numbers and then numbers to trace.

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Earth Day Math Printables

All the math printables that work great for Earth day can be found here.

25. Geometry: Recycling Sorting By Angles Printables

Free Recycling Sorting By Angles fun for Earth Day - sorting acute, right and obtuse angles with items you recycle - 3Dinosaurs.com

Geometry: Recycling Sorting By Angles is a great hands-on learning activity for angles and geometry.

26. Recycling Earth Day Fraction Matching Cards Printables

Free Recycling Earth Day Themed Fraction Matching Cards With Help Mat - 8 sets of cards to match with a help mat for adding the fractions together - 3Dinosaurs.com

Recycling Earth Day Fraction Matching Cards With Help Mat 8 fun matching cards with fractions for kids to work on.

Tree Fraction Puzzle Printables

Free Tree Fraction Puzzle Printables - it has 7 fraction puzzles with 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10 for the parts for the fractions  - 3Dinosaurs.com

Tree Fraction Puzzles has puzzles that kids can use to build the numbers with 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10 for the puzzles.

27. Earth Day Place Value Arrow Cards Printables

Free Earth Day Themed Place Value Arrow Cards - work on building numbers from 0 to 9999 with these earth day arrow cards. Plus use task cards to build the numbers. - 3Dinosaurs.com

Earth Day Place Value Arrow Cards are a great way to work on place value! They can have fun building numbers.

28. Earth Day Clip Cards for Comparing Numbers Printables

Free Earth Day Clip Cards for Comparing Numbers - greater than and less than with 5 pages of cards - 3Dinosaurs.com

Earth Day Clip Cards for Comparing Numbers work on greater than and less than for kids. These are great for looking at numbers sizes.

29. Earth Day Graphing Printables

Earth Day Roll & Graph With Trace Letters, Numbers & Shapes with a folding die and cube die with a graphing sheet, graphing with tracing numbers, graphing with tracing letters and graphing with tracing shapes. All with a fun Earth theme for Earth Day for prek and kindergarten - 3Dinosaurs.com

Earth Day Graphing with ABC, Numbers & Shapes has several types of graphing worksheets with letters, numbers, and shapes. And there is a basic Earth Graphing worksheet. It has two options of dice to use with the graphing set.

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Earth Day Shape Printables

You will find all the shape printables that are great for Earth Day here.

30. Tree Shape Pack For PreK & Kindergarten Printables

Tree Shape Pack For PreK & Kindergarten - A fun pack full of shape activities with trees. It has a mix of no-prep and hands-on activities for kids for 12 shapes - 3Dinosaurs.com

Tree Shape Themed Pack For PreK & Kindergarten has loads of shape activities for kids to learn with. You have a mix of no-prep and hands-on activities for learning shapes with dot marker, tracing, puzzles, and more!

31. Tree Shape Trace and Color Printables

Free Tree Shape Trace and Color - with 12 shapes to trace for the leaves - 3Dinosaurs.com #freeprintable #finemotor #shapes #preschool #kinder

Fine Motor Work With: Tree Shape Trace and Color is a fun way to color trees and work on shapes. This is a fun Earth Day activity for kids in kindergarten.

32. Tree Shape Matching Cards Printables

Free Tree Shape Matching Cards - 12 shape matching cards for kids to use with tree made from shapes - 3Dinosaurs.com

Tree Shape Matching Cards has 12 fun matching cards for kids to learn shapes with. You have a hands-on matching puzzles for the shapes and shape word.

33. Tree Shape Find Printables

Free Tree Shape Matching Cards - 12 shape matching cards for kids to use with tree made from shapes - 3Dinosaurs.com

Tree Shape Find is a fun no-prep printable working on geometric shapes and shape words.

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Other Earth Day Printables

You will find all the Earth Day fine motor printables, Earth Day playdough mats printables, Earth Day gross motor printables here.

34. Earth Day Playdough Mats Printables

Free Earth Day Playdough Mats - 3Dinosaurs.com

Earth Day Playdough Mats have 8 different mats for you to choose from. You can build the earth or make the oceans in this fun Earth Day playdough printables.

35. Paper Roll Gross Motor Dice Printables

Free Paper Roll Themed Gross Motor Dice -  3 action movements included with dice and dice inserts - 3Dinosaurs.com

Paper Roll Gross Motor Dice is a great way to get moving and reusing stuff from the house. Plus you can do these different movements and have fun.

36. Earth Day Gross Motor Dice Printables

Free Earth Day Themed Gross Motor Dice - 6 movements and speed dice for kids to have fun with - 3Dinosaurs.com #earthday #grossmotor #3dinosaurs #freeprintable

Earth Day Themed Gross Motor Dice has 6 fun Earth Day themes for kids to do gross motor with.

37. Earth Day Gross Motor Set Printables

Earth Day Themed Gross Motor Set has gross motor dice, gross motor cube die inserts, numbers, gross motor task cards, and rolling themed gross motor mats. These make great brain break printables.

38. Tree Fine Motor Mat Printables

Free Tree Fine Motor Mat Printables with 2 tracing tree, 2 tree templates, 2 tree dot markers and 1 tree playdough mat - 3Dinosaurs.com

Tree Fine Motor Mats has a tree to trace, tree playdough mat, tree templates and tree tracing printables. Great for Earth day or Arbor Day.

39. Earth Fine Motor Mats Printables

Free Earth Fine Motor Mats For Kids with an Earth Template, Earth tracing and Earth Q-tip Printables. Great fine motor mats for Earth Day or a Space Theme - 3Dinosaurs.com

Earth Fine Motor Mats has an earth to color, Earth to q-tip Paint and Earth to trace. All great for Earth day or an Earth theme.

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Earth Day Crafts & Activities

There are several different hands-on activities and crafts for Earth Day. You can have tons of fun to make and do. You can also see how to use some of the printables.

Earth Craft & Paintings for Earth Day

40. Model Magic Earth Craft

Model Magic Earth Craft - a super simple craft that different ages can make that works great for a fine motor craft for Earth Day or learning about space - 3Dinosaurs.com

Model Magic Earth is a fun Earth Day craft you can do with kids. Only a few simple supplies needed.

41. Paper Roll Painted Earth Craft

Paper Roll Painted Earth for Earth Day - fun process art projects that kids can do with paper rolls - 3Dinosaurs.com

Paper Roll Stamped Earth was a great project using paper rolls. Super fun and creative way to make an earth

42. Finger Painted Planet Earth Painting

Easy to Make Finger Painted Planet Earth - fun projects for Earth Day or a project on planet earth - 3Dinosaurs.com

Easy To Make Finger Painted Planet Earth is a fun painting project for Earth Day. You have a great Earth painting that is fun to do.

43. Watercolor Planet Earth Process Art Painting

Watercolor Planet Earth Process Art - An easy and fun art project for planet Earth using watercolors and oil pastels - 3Dinosaurs.com

Watercolor Planet Earth Process Art is a fun Planet Earth painting activity you can do with kids for Earth Day.

44. Oil Pastel Earth with Heart Shapes Craft

Oil Pastel Earth with Heart Shapes - a great craft that works on blending colors and making a very fun planet Earth for Earth Day - 3Dinosaurs.com

Oil Pastel Earth with Heart Shapes is a Earth project made with hearts! You can see how fun it is to make the earth using shapes!

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Tree Crafts and Paintings for Earth Day

45. Tree Fine Motor Activities

Tree Fine Motor Activities are great Earth Day Themed tree activities. You have loads of fine motor activities that change up how you use different printables.

Yarn Green Tree Craft

Green Yarn Tree Craft for Arbor Day - a fun mixed art with watercolor trunk ad a yarn green tree for kids to make - 3Dinosaurs.com

Yarn Green Tree Craft is a fun tree out of green yarn. We used light and dark green yarn and then made this fun tree for Arbor Day.

46. Washi Tape Green Trees Craft

Fun to Make Washi Tape Green Trees For Earth Day - easy fine motor craft for Earth Day using Washi Tape - 3Dinosaurs.com

Washi Tape Green Trees are perfect to make for Earth Day! This is a great fine motor craft for kids to make.

47. Watercolor Process Art Green Tree Painting

Watercolor Process Art Green Tree - a fun way to do watercolors and oil pastels painting of a green tree for Earth Day or Arbor Day - 3Dinosaurs.com

Watercolor Process Art Green Tree Painting are great for Earth Day and Arbor day. It is fun to watch the watercolor spread for this activity.

48. Paper Roll Green Tree Painting

Paper Roll Green Tree is a fun and easy craft that different ages can do together that is an open ended project that you can work on making a tree - 3Dinosaurs.com

Paper Roll Green Tree Painting is a fun way to make a free. You use paper rolls, watercolors and paint. Kids can have fun stamping and making this green tree.

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Earth Day Sensory Bin

A few fun sensory bins that you can use for Earth Day.

Blue And Green Sensory Bin

Blue and Green Sensory Bin For Earth Day - a look at the items we put in the sensory bin with easy to see - 3Dinosaurs.com

Blue And Green Sensory Bin is a simple earth color sensory bin that kids can play in for Earth Day. And it is super easy to set up and use.

Tree & Kinetic Sand Sensory Bin

Tree & Kinetic Sand Sensory Bin for Arbor day and Earth Day - different types of tree sorting - 3Dinosaurs.com

Tree & Kinetic Sand Sensory Bin has a fun sand and tree bin you can use for Arbor Day or even Earth Day.

Tree & Rice Sensory Bin

Tree & Rice Sensory Bin - a simple tree sensory bin with trees and rice for Arbor Day or Earth Day or any tree theme - 3Dinosaurs.com

Tree & Rice Sensory Bin is a simple sensory bin with trees and rice. It takes under 30 seconds to set up and works great for Arbor Day.

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Activities You Can Do Outside for Earth Day

49. Learning Fun: Comparing Nature Activity

Learning Fun: Comparing Nature - Hands on Learning - 3Dinosaurs.com

Learning Fun: Comparing Nature is a great spring and Earth Day Activity for kids to do.

50. Looking At Nature Activity

Looking At Nature is a fun post about looking at changes and finding things in nature. It is great to see how the world changed in the different seasons.

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The Lorax Crafts for Earth Day

There are all fun Lorax crafts and activities that work great for Earth Day.

51. Truffula Tree Number Matching Activity

Truffula Tree Number Matching - 3Dinosaurs.com

Truffula Tree Number Matching – The Lorax is a fun hands-on counting activity. Super simple to make and great for counting.

52. Yarn Truffula Trees Activity Craft

Yarn Truffula Trees – The Lorax is a fun craft to make for Earth Day. The yarn makes a great texture for the truffula trees.

53. Torn Paper Truffula Trees Craft

Torn Paper Truffula Trees - a fun fine motor craft to go with the book the Lorax - 3Dinosaurs.com

Torn Paper Truffula Trees – The Lorax is a nice fine motor craft for the Lorax and Earth Day.

54. Watercolor & Oil Pastel Truffula Trees Painting

Watercolor & Oil Pastel Truffula Trees - a fun and easy way to do a mixed media art project with kids for the book The Lorax  - 3Dinosaurs.com

Watercolor & Oil Pastel Truffula Trees a great mixed art activity for kids to do! You make the trees and the paint the background.

55. Q-Tip Painted: Truffula Tree Painting

Q-Tip Painted: Truffula Tree -a fun painting project to go with the book the Lorax - 3Dinosaurs.com

Q-Tip Painted: Truffula Tree is a fun mix painting craft that is fun to make the trees. You use watercolor and paint to make the trees.

56. Tissue Paper Truffula Tree Craft

Tissue Paper Truffula Tree Craft you can make to go with the book the Lorax. It is simple for kids of different ages to make for a Dr Seuss Craft. - 3Dinosaurs.com

Tissue Paper Truffula Tree Craft is a fun art project you can do with kids that makes a fun background and with truffula trees made from craft sticks and tissue paper.

57. Torn Paper Truffula Tree Wreath Craft

Torn Paper Truffula Tree Wreath Craft - is a fun wreath to make with Truffula trees and loads of fun to make with the Lorax. - 3Dinosaurs.com

Torn Paper Truffula Tree Wreath Craft is a fun craft you can make with the Lorax. You have truffula trees around the wreath. A fun and simple wreath craft to make.

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If you are looking for more Spring Seasonal printables check out the Round up of Spring Printables.

Cassie – 3Dinosaurs.com


  1. Good Morning:
    I downloaded you Multiplication by 2 Roll and Cover but I forgot to copy the directions. Could and would you please send a copy of the directions?

    Ellen L. Stark

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