
137+ Snow & Winter Activities & Printables For Kids

Snow and winter are great themes to explore during the winter season. This is all my printables and activities for winter and snow activities.

I love that you can explore the winter themes throughout the whole winter. You will find snowmen, snowflakes, getting dressed for winter, animals in winter, and more.

A fun collection of winter ideas for tot, preschool, prek, kindergarten, first grade, second grade, and third grade.

119+ Snow and Winter themed activities & printables - with winter math, winter language, winter ABCs, winter numbers, winter crafts, winter painting, winter sensory bins and more - #winteractivitiesforkids #3dinosaurs #printablesforkids #craftsforkids - 3Dinosaurs.com

This is all the winter and snow activities. You are looking for other winter themes you can find them in the Season of Winter.

Season of winter Activities - 3Dinosaurs.com

You will find different levels of learning in the different sections. You are going to find ABCs, learning to read, math, numbers. shapes, printable packs, arts & crafts, painting, sensory bins, supplies, and more.

Things to use with the Winter & Snow Printables

I always get asked about the items we with the printables and activities. This is a list of some of the times we used the most with the winter printables and crafts.
We have included links to some of the products and resources we have used with this activity. If you purchase via the links we may earn a small commission.

Books to Read with the Winter & Snow Printables

Winter & Snow Printables & Activities Menu

A jump to the winter and snow printables and activities you are looking for. These are all the sections you will find below.

Snow & Winter Printables
Winter Printable Packs
Winter Math Printables
Winter Number Printables
Winter Shape Printables
Winter Learning To Read & Reading Printables
Winter ABC Printables
Other Winter Themed Printables
Winter Gross Motor & Fine Motor Printables
Snow and Winter Crafts & Activities
Hands On Winter Activities
Winter Sensory Bins Activities
Winter Craft Activities
Winter Painting Activities
Snow and Winter Books

Snow & Winter Printables

I have a nice collection on the site of printables for winter and snow. You are going to find themed packs, math, numbers, learning to read, writing, and more! I have divided them up into sections to make it easier for you to find what you are looking for. You can always use the navigation to help get to the area you want faster.

60+ Snow and Winter themed activities & printables - #winteractivitiesforkids #3dinosaurs #printablesforkids #craftsforkids - 3Dinosaurs.com

Winter Printable Packs

There are several winter-themed packs. These have activities for various ages! You will find tot packs with most of them and preK through 3rd grade for some of the activities. It all varies on what is in each pack.

1. Winter Weekly No-Prep Packs Printable

Winter Weekly No-Prep Packs has weekly packs with a winter theme. They have PreK, Kindergarten, First Grade, Second Grade, Third Grade, and Fourth Grade. You will find 4 pages of printables for each with. They have a mix of math and language activities.

2. Snowman Weekly No-Prep Packs Printable

Snowman Weekly No-Prep Packs has weekly packs with a snowman theme. They have PreK, Kindergarten, First Grade, Second Grade, Third Grade, and Fourth Grade. You will find 4 pages of printables for each with. They are great for distance learning, homework, and morning work. They have a mix of math and language activities.

3. Winter Sports Weekly No-Prep Packs Printable

Winter Sports Weekly No-Prep Packs has weekly packs with a winter sports theme. They have PreK, Kindergarten, First Grade, Second Grade, Third Grade, and Fourth Grade. You will find 4 pages of printables for each with. They are great for distance learning, homework, and morning work. They have a mix of math and language activities.

4. Skiing Weekly No-Prep Packs Printable

Skiing Weekly No-Prep Packs has weekly packs with a skiing theme. They have PreK, Kindergarten, First Grade, Second Grade, Third Grade, and Fourth Grade. You will find 4 pages of printables for each with. They are great for distance learning, homework, and morning work. They have a mix of math and language activities.

5. Hockey Weekly No-Prep Packs Printable

Hockey Weekly No-Prep Packs has weekly packs with a hokcey theme. They have PreK, Kindergarten, First Grade, Second Grade, Third Grade, and Fourth Grade. You will find 4 pages of printables for each with. They are great for extra practice, homework, and morning work. They have a mix of math and language activities.

6. Winter Pack Printable

The Winter Pack has over 230 for the regular pack and 71 pages for the tot pack! This was a big pack with lots of activities. There is also a matching Dot marker Set for it. This covers Tot to Some of 1st Grade. This pack also goes with the book: There Was a Cold Lady Who Swallowed Some Snow! (There Was An Old Lady)

7. Snowman Pack For PreK & Kindergarten Printable

Snowman Themed Pack for PreK and Kindergarten with 150 pages of activities, cards, easy reader books and no-prep printables - 3Dinosaurs.com

Snowman Pack For PreK & Kindergarten has 159 pages with hands-on, no-prep, easy reader books and more. With fun ABCs, numbers, prewriting, counting, blends, and more. Plus all the no-prep pages are teacher ready.

8. Snowman Activity Pack Printable

Snowman Activities Pack with Prewriting, Shapes, ABCs, and Numbers - 191 pages of activities with no-prep pages, clip cards, and tracing strips to help with learning skills. A great addition to any Snowman activity or theme. - 3Dinosaurs.com

Snowman Activity Pack for Prewriting, Shapes, ABCs, and Numbers is a great pack for working a set of activities with no-prep pages, clip cards, easy reader books and tracing strips.

9. Animals in Winter Weekly No-Prep Packs Printable

Animal Weekly No-Prep Packs has weekly packs with a snowman theme. They have PreK, Kindergarten, First Grade, Second Grade, Third Grade, and Fourth Grade. You will find 4 pages of printables for each with. They are great for extra practice homework, and morning work. They have a mix of math and language activities.

10. Animals in Winter Packs Printable

Animals in Winter Packs - Preschool & Tot - with loads of activities that work on abcs, numbers, math counting and more -The pack has a mix of hands-on and no-prep activities - 3Dinosaurs.com

Animals in Winter Packs has two sets of packs a Preschool and to that has 130 pages and a PreK Kindergarten Pack that has 145 pages! Both are loaded with activities for ABCs, numbers, shapes, counting. Plus there is a mix of no-prep and hands-on activities in both sets.

11. Animals In Winter Activity Pack Printable

Animals In Winter Activities Pack for Shapes - shape easy reader book, shape tracing strips, shape no-prep pages and shape clip cards - 3Dinosaurs.com

Animals In Winter Activity Pack has prewriting, shapes, ABCs, and numbers with clip cards, easy reader books, no-prep pages, and tracing strips for preschool, prek and kindergarten age kids.

12. Snow Learning Pack Printable

The Snow Learning Pack is the second winter theme pack. While is is still good for kids 2 to 9. It has a lot more language and math activities in it for older kids. I love this set! This set goes well with these two books: Snow (Sunburst Books) and Snow (I Can Read It All By Myself).

13. Snowflake Color Pack Printable

Snowflake Color Pack  - with 63 pages of printables with color easy reader book, color clip cards, color tracing strips, color writing strips, color pocket chart cards, color word writing, color word puzzles, and more all to work on learning color words. This is a great winter snowflake theme - 3Dinosaurs.com

Snowflake Color Pack for PreK & Kindergarten has 11 color words for kids to work on. You have easy reader books, clip cards, matching cards, puzzles and more.

14. Winter Activities Pack for Prewriting, Shapes, ABCs, and Numbers Printable

Winter Activities Pack for Prewriting, Shapes, ABCs, and Numbers - 189 pages of activities with no-prep, easy reader books, clip cards and tracing strips. All to help have fun during the winter with easy to prepare or low prep activities - 3Dinosaurs.com

Winter Activities Pack for Prewriting, Shapes, ABCs, and Numbers is a great pack for working a set of activities with no-prep pages, clip cards, easy reader books and tracing strips.

15. Winter Olympic Pack 1 Printable

The Winter Olympic Pack is great for learning about winter sports. You have skiing, skating, snowboarding and more winter sports th you can explore with kids. It is a super fun winter activity pack for kids.

16. Winter Olympic Pack 2 Printable

Plus, a fun additional set that is Winter Olympics Part Two. More math and language themed printables.

17. Winter Olympic Country Learning Printable

You can also use the Country Learning Printable with the Winter Olympics set.

18. Penguin Learning Pack Printable

Penguin Learning Pack is also a great winter activity for kids. You can learn about several different penguins.

19. Penguin Activities Pack for Prewriting, Numbers, Shapes & ABCs Printable

Penguin Activities Pack for Prewriting, Shapes, ABCs, and Numbers - the different types of prewriting pages in the set - 3Dinosaurs.com

Penguin Activities Pack for Prewriting, Numbers, Shapes & ABCs is also a great winter themed to do. You have easy reader books, clip cards, tracing strips and no-prep worksheets.

20. 7 Days of Winter Printables

You can also check out a 7 days of winter printables that Royal Baloo and I put together.

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Winter Math Printables

I have several fun math printables with a winter theme. I know that my girls love having variety in what they use to learn.

21. No-Prep Winter Addition & Subtraction Printables

No-Prep Winter Addition & Subtraction has 30 pages of printables for each set with review sheets at the end. A great way to work on math facts from 1 to 20.

22. No-Prep Winter Multiplication & Division Printables

No Prep Winter Addition & Subtraction and Multiplication & Division - 30 pages no-prep printables with a mix of addition and subtraction or multiplication and division activities plus a math center activities - 3Dinosaurs.com #noprepmath #tpt #addition #subtraction #multiplication #division

No-Prep Winter Multiplication & Division has 30 pages of printables for each set with review sheets at the end. You can work on multiplication and division math facts from 1 to 12. A great set for third and fourth grade.

23. Snowflake Winter Math: Multiplication & Division

Snowflake Multiplication & Division Selling Set - with spinning multiplication and division practice worksheets, math fact pages, math fact worksheets, roll a snowflake math page, matching snowflake multiplication and division flashcard printables and snowflake dice printables- 3Dinosaurs.com

Snowflake Winter Math: Multiplication & Division has a mix of activities with worksheets, games, math fact house and more. It works on numbers 1 to 12. This is a great third grade and fourth grade winter math printable.

24. Winter Multiplication & Division Cut & Paste and Matching Printables

Winter Multiplication & Division Cut & Paste and Matching with cut and paste worksheets for division and multiplication with numbers 1 to 12 and match puzzles and matching mats for division and multiplication. It has a great winter snowflake theme for the printables - 3Dinosaurs.com

Winter Multiplication & Division Cut & Paste and Matching has matching puzzles with snowflakes and then cut and paste division worksheets with snowflakes. There is also a great math fact center as well.

25. Snow Learning Pack Math Update Printables

Snow Learning Pack Math Update also is a great addition to multiplication math activities for kids!

26. Fun Math: Roll a Winter Scene Printables

Fun Math: Roll a Winter Scene is tons of counting, addition and multiplication fun for kids that is very hands-on.

27. Easy Winter Multiplication Matching Cards Printables

Easy Winter Multiplication Matching Cards are fun for working on addition grouping and arrays for multiplication.

28. No-Prep Winter Math: Counting, Addition, & Multiplication Printables

No-Prep Winter Math: Counting, Addition, & Multiplication is a fun spinning math activity for kids. You can print the math page you are working on.

29. Multiplication Spin & Color Printables

Easy to Use Multiplication Spin & Color Printable has multiplication for numbers 1 to 12. It has all the numbers for mutliplication for 1 to 12 for kids to spin find and color.

30. Winter Subtraction Clip Cards Printables

Free Easy to use Winter Themed Subtraction Clip Cards - 10 pages of clip cards with subtraction 0 through 10 - 3Dinosaurs.com

Easy to Use Winter Subtraction Clip Cards is great for kids learning their subtraction. You have subtraction several cards for kids to use. These are a great first grad e and kindergarten printable.

31. Winter Skip Counting by 2 Puzzles Printables

FREE Hands-On Winter Skip Counting by 2 Puzzles - 5 puzzles from numbers from 2 to 100 for the puzzles - 3Dinosaurs.com

Hands-On Winter Skip Counting by 2 Puzzles work on learning skip counting from 2 to 100.

32. Snowman Skip Counting By 2 Puzzles

Free Snowman Skip Counting By 2 Puzzles - it has 12 piece puzzle to work on skip counting from 2 to 24  - 3Dinosaurs.com

Snowman Skip Counting By 2 Puzzles is a great matching puzzle with snowman theme with skip counting from 2 to 24. This is a great review of skip counting by 2 for kindergarten and first grade.

33. Snowman Skip Counting Set Printables

Free Snowman Skip Counting By 2 Puzzles - it has 12 piece puzzle to work on skip counting from 2 to 24  - 3Dinosaurs.com

Snowman Skip Counting Set has skip counting from 2 to 12 with worksheets, puzzles, matching cards and skip counting mats.

34. Winter Woodland Skip Counting Tracks Printables

Winter Woodland Skip Counting Tracks works on numbers 1 to 12 with fun paw prints to follow. These are a great finger walking skip counting set.

35. Winter Skip Counting By 6 Easy Reader Book Printable

Free Winter Skip Counting by 6 Easy Reader Book - has an 14 page book with skip counting by 6 with visual skip counting by 6, 6 repeat addition, and numbers for the skip counting by 6 on each page for a great visual way to work on skip counting - 3Dinosaurs.com

Winter Skip Counting By 6 Easy Reader Book is a fun easy reader book for working skip counting by 6 twelve times. You have repeat addition, skip counting numbers and visual of the numbers going up on each page.

36. Snowflake Skip Counting Strips Printables

Free Snowflake Skip Counting Strips with skip counting from 1 to 12 with skip counting at least 12 times. You have skip counting forward and skip counting backward as well in the strips. You have four strips for each number plus a recording sheet. - 3Dinosaurs.com

Snowflake Skip Counting Strips has four skip counting strips for each number. You have the last two number missing and kids are to writing in the missing numbers.

37. Snowman Addition Matching Puzzles Printables

Free Snowman Addition Matching Puzzles to work on addition from 1 to 10. They are a 3 piece matching puzzles.  - 3Dinosaurs.com

Snowman Addition Matching Puzzles has addition from 1 to 10 with three peice matching puzzles. An easy math printable for the winter.

38. Snowman Addition Matching Puzzles Printables – Addition from 1 to 20

Free Snowman Addition Matching - a fun addition matching game adding numbers from 1 to 20  with two piece puzzles and matching number bond mat for kindergarten and first grade - 3Dinosaurs.com

Snowman Addition Matching Puzzles Printables with addition from 1 to 20. You have a puzzle for each number from 1 to 20 with a snowman in the middle. These are super cute and a great way to work on addition facts.

39. Snowman Repeat Addition Printable

Free Snowman Repeat Addition Printable - you have 12 repeat addition snowman cards with three worksheets to use with cards. A great early multiplication center that you can use with kids. - 3Dinosaurs.com

Snowman Repeat Addition Printable is s fun way to introduce some of the early steps of multiplication with kids with a fun snowman with mittens repeat addition.

40. Mitten Elapsed Telling Time Matching Printable

Free Mitten Elapsed Telling Time Matching Printable - with mitten with clocks that match the mitten with the question - 3Dinosaurs.com

Mitten Elapsed Telling Time Matching Printable is a great way to work on having a starting time and matching the ending time with telling time questions and answer cards to match. Plus there is a worksheet you can use to fill out the answers for the time cards.

41. Winter Addition Flashcards Printable

Free Winter Addition Flashcards with addition from 1 to 10 with all the ways to add up to each number - 3Dinosaurs.com

Winter Addition Flashcards has addition problems from 1 to 10 for kids working on adding numbers.

42. Winter Roll & Graph Printable

Winter Roll & Graph With Trace Letters, Numbers & Shapes with a folding die and cube die with a graphing sheet, graphing with tracing numbers, graphing with tracing letters and graphing with tracing shapes. All with a fun winter clothes theme for winter for prek and kindergarten - 3Dinosaurs.com

Winter Roll & Graph has a graphing worksheet, letter tracing, number tracing and shape tracing. It has a winter clothes die to use with the set.

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Winter Number Printables

I have several fun winter number printables with a winter theme. I know that my girls love having variety in what they use to learn.

43. Winter Number Color & Trace Printables

No-Prep Winter Themed Number Color and Trace - easy no-prep printables to work on numbers. Each set has 44 pages with two options for the numbers tracing or writing $ - 3Dinosaurs.com #noprepprintable #winterprintables #numbersforkids

No-Prep Winter Number Color & Trace are fun to use number pages for winter. You have numbers 0 to 20 in them with two different page options.

44. Snowflake Number Find Printable

Snowflake Number Find is a great number identification printable to work on tracing and finding number with number digits and number words. You have numbers from 0 to 20.

45. Snowman Number Find Printable

Snowman Number Find Printable - with the numerical number and number word for kids to work on finding with numbers from 0 to 20. An easy no-prep number printable for winter - 3Dinosaurs.com

Snowman Number Find Printable has numbers from 1 to 20 with options for numerical word and number word in the set. You can trade the numbers and the find the numbers on the snowman.

46. Winter Number 0 to 10 Set Printables

Winter Number 0 to 10 Themed Set is a mix of hands-on and no-prep activities for kids to learn their numbers. You have puzzles, clip cards, easy reader books winter number worksheets. It is a great kindergarten winter learning set.

47. Snowman Ten Frame Sets Printables

Snowman Ten Frame Sets has a set of ten frame activities that work on numbers 1 to 20. And there is snowflakes in the whole theme. You have a mix of easy reader books, clip cards, ten frame cards, worksheets and more.

48. Snowflake Ten Frame Set Printables

Snowflake Ten Frame Sets has a set of ten frame activities that work on numbers 1 to 20. You have fun snowflake for the winter theme. You have a mix of easy reader books, clip cards, ten frame cards, worksheets and more.

49. Snowman, Snowflake & Mitten Dot the Number Count the Number Printables

Snowman, Snowflake & Mitten Dot the Number Count the Number - this is a fun counting activity with dot markers that works on numbers 0 to 20 with color or black and white options - 3Dinosaurs.com #winteractivities #dotmaker #doadot #numbers #counting  #kindergarten #prek

Snowman, Snowflake & Mitten Dot the Number Count the Number has numbers from 0 to 20 with these fun winter themes. You have a color versions and a black and white version.

50. Snowflake Number Easy Reader Book Printable

Counting Snowflake Number Easy Reader Book is a fun book to work on numbers 1 to 10. You have different snowflakes on each page to count. This is great kindergarten and prek easy reader book.

51. Winter Counting Mats Printable

Easy to Use Hands-On Winter Counting Mats are great for working on numbers 1 to 10. You have a winter counting for each number. These are great for prek and kindergarten.

52. Snowflake Number Tracing Strips Printable

Free Snowflake Theme Number Tracing Strips - with numbers 0 to 20. You have number examples and them several numbers to trace - 3Dinosaurs.com

Snowflake Number Tracing Strips has number from 1 to 20 with tracing for the numbers. This is a great winter number handwriting activity for kids.

53. Snowflake Number Counting Mats Printables

Snowflake Number Counting Mats has four different counting mats for kids to use with a mix of ten frames and counting mats.

49. Animals in Winter Number Counting Mats Printables

Animals in Winter Number Counting Mats has four different counting mats for kids to use with a mix of ten frames and counting mats.

54. Animal in Winter Number Find Printable

Animals in Winter Number Find - works on number digit and number work with numbers 0 to 20 - 3Dinosaurs.com

Animal in Winter Number Find has tracing the numbers and finding the numbers on the animal footprints.

55. Snowman Number Sense Game Printables

Snowman Number Sense Game from 1 to 20 with matching several different number types to the numerical number including tally marks, dominos, number word, ten frames, and tens and ones to build a snowman and fun game boards and worksheets to use with the games - 3Dinosaurs.com

Snowman Number Sense Game has matching, a game board and number sense worksheets that all work together on numbers 1 to 20. A great way to work on matching numbers.

56. Snowman Subitizing Number Sense Printables

Snowman Subitizing Number Sense For Numbers 1 to 20 has snowmen with numerical numbers on them from 1 to 20 with matching snowballs with tally marks, dominos, number words, ten frames, and tens and ones. A great number sense activity for kids.

57. Snowflake Number Word Counting – 0 to 10 Book Printable

Free Snowflake Number Word Counting Book Printable - with numbers from - to 10 for tracing, coloring and counting snowflake - 3Dinosaurs.com

Snowflake Number Word Counting Book has numbers from 0 to 10. You are counting snowflakes as you read the book and working number words. You have a number word that matches the snowflakes to trace on each page.

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Winter Shape Printables

You will find all the winter shapes printables for kids here. These are super fun to use with kids.

59. Snowman Shape Tracing Printable

Free Snowman Shape Tracing Printable with 9 shapes for kids to trace with a winter snowman theme. Each shape is on its own page - 3Dinosaurs.com

Snowman Shape Tracing Printable has 9 fun shapes for kids to work on tracing with a shape for the snowman’s head. It is a great no-prep shape printable for kids.

60. Snowman Shape Find Printable

Snowman Shape Find Printable with Geometric Shapes & Shape Words with 12 shape for kids to learn about with tracing and finding the shapes. With two types of shape find printables - 3Dinosaurs.com

Snowman Shape Find Printable is a great shape worksheet for winter. You have 12 shapes for kids to learn this winter. You have shape word and geometric shapes for kids.

61. Snowflake Shape Find Printable

Snowflake Shape Find is a great shape worksheet for winter. You have 12 shapes for kids to learn this winter. You have shape word and geometric shapes for kids.

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Winter Learning To Read & Reading Printables

There are so many fun reading activities that kids can do. You will find several ABC and other read activities that I have on the site.

62. My Snowman Easy Reader Book Printable

Free My Snowman Easy Reader Book - a fun 8 page book for kids to read and learn winter activities - 3Dinosaurs.com

My Snowman Easy Reader Book is a fun book about winter activities with a snowman doing them. It is fun simple and great for beginner readers.

63. Winter Easy Reader Book Printable

The Fun Easy Reader Books With Winter Themes. There are several book options and loads of fun for kids to read. You have vocab cards, easy reader books, reading strips. writing prompts all in this fun easy reader set for kids. This is a great kindergarten winter easy reader book set.

64. Winter Items Easy Reader Book

Free Winter Items Easy Reader Book - a fun book with winter items for kids to learn in an eight page book - 3Dinosaurs.com

Winter Items Easy Reader Book is a fun easy reader book with items you find in winter like boots, mittens, hats and more. A great kindergarten winter easy reader book.

65. Winter Olympics Easy Reader Book Printable

Winter Olympics Easy Reader Book has some great winter sports for kids to learn about. You have simple sentences for kids to read and one sport on each page of the easy reader book.

66. Snowflake Sight Word Find Printables

Snowflake Sight Word Find has all 220 Dolch Sight Words for kids to work on. There are 220 sight words in the set. You have tracing the sight words and finding the sight words on the snowflakes.

67. Mini Sequencing Making A Snowman Printables

Winter Sequencing Sets -  with clip cards, task cards, no-prep worksheets and easy reader books $ - 3Dinosaurs.com #printablesforkids #sequencingforkids #winterprintables #tpt #teacherspayteachers

Making A Snowman Sequencing are great sequencing activities for making a snowman and comes in a mini set and a full set.

68. Getting Dressed For Winter Sequencing Printables

Winter Sequencing Sets -  with clip cards, task cards, no-prep worksheets and easy reader books $ - 3Dinosaurs.com #printablesforkids #sequencingforkids #winterprintables #tpt #teacherspayteachers

Getting Dressed For winter Sequencing has all the steps to put winter clothes. You have order of events clip cards, cut and paste and an easy reder book.

69. Life Cycle of a Snowman Sequencing Printables

Winter Sequencing Sets -  with clip cards, task cards, no-prep worksheets and easy reader books $ - 3Dinosaurs.com #printablesforkids #sequencingforkids #winterprintables #tpt #teacherspayteachers

Life Cycle of a Snowman Sequencing has clip cards, writing, cut and paste and and easy reader book all with parts of the life cycle of a snowman.

70. How to Make Snow Ice Cream Sequencing Printables

Winter Sequencing Sets -  with clip cards, task cards, no-prep worksheets and easy reader books $ - 3Dinosaurs.com #printablesforkids #sequencingforkids #winterprintables #tpt #teacherspayteachers

How to Make Snow Ice Creamn Sequencing has clip cards, writing, cut and paste and and easy reader book all with parts of the how to make snow ice cream.

72. Winter Learning with Blends Printable

FREE Fun No-Prep Winter Learning with Blends: for beginning blends: sc, sk, sn, st - 3Dinosaurs.com

Fun No-Prep Winter Learning with Blends are great for kids working on sc-, sk-, sn- and st- blends. This is a great winter no-prep printable for first grade and second grade.

73. Snowman Digraph Matching Puzzles Printable

Free Snowman Digraph Matching Puzzles - 3 piece puzzles with 11 digraphs with matching picture, digraph and word - 3Dinosaurs.com

Snowman Digraph Matching Puzzles has 11 fun puzzles for matching digraph, digraphs consonant letters and digraph word. It is great to use for first and second grade kids.

74. Winter Digraph Sorting Set Printable

Winter Digraph Sorting Set has digraph sorting mats, digraph sorting worksheets, and digraph writing sheets for the digraphs with a fun winter and snow theme.

75. Winter Blends Sorting Set Printable

Winter Blends Sorting Set has blends sorting mats, blends sorting worksheets, and blends writing sheets for the blends with a fun winter and snow theme.

76. Winter Coloring with Print & Cursive Words Printables

Winter Coloring with Print & Cursive Words are great for many ages that are working on print and cursive together.

77. Snowman CVC & CVCC Word Family Writing Printables

Snowman CVC & CVCC Word Family Writing is a great way to work on rhyming words and writing sentences. You have a page for each word family ending.

78. Winter Blends Easy Reader Book Printable

You can work on blends with the Winter Blends Easy Reader Book. You have a single winter word with the blend on the page for kids to color the blend and read the sentence.

79. Winter Fox Vowel Team & Diphthong Matching Printable

Free Winter Fox Vowel Team and Diphthong sorting and recording sheet - with 2 matching cards for each vowel type and 3 different recording sheets - 3Dinosaurs.com

Winter Fox Vowel Team & Diphthong Matching is a great way to work on the vowel combinations in a matching game with a recording sheet.

80. Snowman Diphthong Game for AU, AW, EW and OI Words Printable

Snowman Diphthong Game for AU, AW, EW and OI Words is a fun game to work on 4 diphthong with kids with a snowman matching, game board and recordings heet for the diphthongs.

81. Snowman Diphthong & Vowel Team Games Printable

Snowman Diphthong & Vowel Team Games Printable has 4 games in the set with snowman matching, two recording sheets for each game, and a board game for each of the four games.

83. Mittens Rhyming Matching CVC Words

Free Mittens Rhyming Matching CVC Words - You have 12 rhyming matching CVC words for kids to match. With three short a, two short e, two short i, three short o, and two short u - 3Dinosaurs.com

Mittens Rhyming Matching CVC Words – You have 12 rhyming matching CVC words for kids to match. With three short a, two short e, two short i, three short o, and two short u words. Plus this is cute for winter!

83. Winter Reading Chart Printable

There is a expanding winter reading chart. It has some reading responses as well as sticker charts.

84. Winter Weekly Reading Charts Printables

Here are some Weekly Reading Charts. They are great for different types of learning. You have fun themes for the charts.

85. Weekly Winter Reading Charts Printables

There is also a second set of Weekly Winter Reading Charts. These have different options from the first set.

86. Winter Bookmarks Printables

FREE Winter Themed Bookmarks - You have 12 bookmarks to use with kids. Each bookmark has a fun reading phrase on the bookmark. There are snow angels, kids, snowbirds, snowman, snowflakes, winter tree, seal, and skates on the winter bookmarks - 3Dinosaurs.com

Winter Bookmarks are 12 fun bookmarks for kids to use. You can use these to keep track of where you are in a book. You have several winter themes on these bookmarks.

87. Blank Winter Bucket List Printables

Blank Winter Bucket List are fun for kids to fill out. You can write about what you want to do this winter!

88. Winter Writing Paper Printables

Winter Writing Paper is fun with girl, boy, snowman, tree and snowflakes. You have type styles of lined paper to pick from.

89. Kids Winter Activities Writing Paper Printables

Fun Kids Winter Activities Writing Paper has kids doing winter activities. You have type styles of lined paper to pick from.

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Winter ABC Printables

You will see all the alphabet printables here with a winter theme for kids.

90. Snowflake ABC Find Printable

Snowflake Themed ABC Letter Find: It has all the letters of the alphabet with uppercase and lowercase options with tracing - 3Dinosaurs.com

Snowflake ABC Find is a great way to work on you Uppercase or Lowercase ABC letters! There are 52 pages total. You have tracing the letter and the finding the letter in the snowflakes. This is a great prek and kindergarten winter printable.

91. Snowflake ABC Find Uppercase & Lowercase Together Printable

Easy No-Prep Snowflake ABC Find:  Uppercase & Lowercase - easy no-prep printables with a fun snowflake theme 26 pages with uppercase and lowercase together - 3Dinosaurs.com

Snowflake ABC Find Uppercase & Lowercase is a great letter find for working on tracing and finding only one letter on a worksheet. It has all 26 letters of the alphabet and is a great ABC worksheet for kids in kindergarten.

92. Winter Themed ABC Tracing for Print & Cursive Printable

FREE Fun Winter Themed ABC Tracing for Print & Cursive - uppercase and lowercase options with cover the letter and tracing the letter - 3Dinosaurs.com

Fun Winter ABC Tracing for Print & Cursive for working on tracing the letters. You have cards, tracing sheets, and more. You have print letters and cursive letters. You have uppercase and lowercase options for both letter types.

93. Snowman ABC Letter Find Printable

Snowman ABC Letter Find Printable - with all 26 letters of the alphabet with tracing the letters and finding the letters on the snowmen. Works great for a winter alphabet printable - 3Dinosaurs.com

Snowman ABC Letter Find has all 26 letters of the alphabet with a letter find for uppercase and lowercase leters. And it is great for a winter theme. You can trace the letter and the find the letter on the printables. This is a great prek and kindergarten winter printable.

94. Animal in Winter ABC Letter Find Printable

Animal in winter ABC Letter Find has letters to trace and then find the letters on the animal footprints.

95. Winter ABC Pack Printable

Check out my Winter ABC Pack on FreeHomeschoolDeals.com.

96. Snowflake ABC Tracing Strips Printable

Free Snowflake Theme ABC Tracing Strips - with uppercase and lowercase together. You have fun kids with a snowflake, plus you can see an example of how to trace the letters - 3Dinosaurs.com

Fun Snowflake ABC Tracing Strips has all 26 letters of the alphabet with tracing uppercase and lowercase letters. You have a snowflake and an example of how to write the letters on the tracing strips.

97. Snowflake ABC Tracing Cards Printable

Free snowflake ABC Tracing Cards with a 3 by 3 tracing rows of uppercase and lowercase letters. A fun way to change handwriting for kids with all 26 letters of the alphabet. - 3Dinosaurs.com

Snowflake ABC Tracing Cards Printable has all 26 letters of the alphabet. You have uppercase letters and lowercase letters on the same card in a 3 by 3 cards style that works great for doing tic tac toe or just tracing the letters.

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Other Winter Printables

You are going to find a mix of organizing printables, calendars, and menus. These are all fun winter printables to use.

98. Winter Calendar Printable

There is a fun Winter Calendar with both snowflake and snowman themes.

99. Winter To Do Lists Printable

Here are some organizing printables with a winter and snow theme. Winter To Do Lists Printables

100. Winter Weekly Menus Printable

Winter Weekly Menus helps you plan menus with a fun winter theme. You have three menus to pick from.

101. Winter Themed Shopping List Printable

There is also a Winter Themed Shopping List you can print to keep track of your shopping.

102. Winter School Lunch Menu Planning Printable

School Lunch Menu planning is great for helping kids plan what their lunches are for the week.

103. Winter Themed Monthly Cleaning List Printable

Winter Themed Monthly Cleaning List is a fun way to keep track of what you clean.

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Winter Gross Motor & Fine Motor Printables

You are going to find the winter fine motor printable and winter gross motor activities here.

104. Winter Gross Motor Dice Printable

FREE Snowy Winter Gross Motor Dice for Indoor Fun - 6 winter movements on a dice with a speed dice. - 3Dinosaurs.com

Snowy Winter Gross Motor Dice for Indoor Fun is a great way to get kids moving while they are inside. You have six different winter themed movements for kids ot od.

105. Winter Gross Motor Set Printable

Winter Gross Motor Set has gross motor dice, number dice, rolling sheets and more with winter themed gross motor activities.

106. Winter Sports Gross Motor Dice Printable

Free Winter Sports Gross Motor Dice - 6 movements and speed dice for kids to have fun with - 3Dinosaurs.com #wintersports #freeprintable

Winter Sports Gross Motor Dice has fun movements to do while doing winter sports. You have six fun winter sport movements to do.

107. Winter Sports Gross Motor Set Printable

Winter Sports Gross Motor Set has gross motor dice, number dice, rolling sheets and more with winter themed gross motor activities.

108. Snowflake Fine Motor Printable

Free Snowflake Fine Motor Printables - with 4 pages of printables with dot marker snowflake, tracing the snowflake and snowflake template - 3Dinosaurs.com

You have a collection of fine motor snowflake printables with tracing the snowflake, dot marker the snowflake and snowflake template for snowflake crafts.

109. Mitten Fine Motor Mat Printables

Free Mitten Fine Motor Mats - three mitten printables with mitten template printable, mitten tracing printables, and a mitten dot marker printable. All great for a winter fine motor center. - 3Dinosaurs.com

Mitten Fine Motor Mat Printables has mitten templates, mitten tracings and dot marker for a fun winter fine motor mat. A fun fine motor center for winter clothes.

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Other Winter Printables you can check out on other sites

Snow and Winter Crafts & Activities

I have a collection of different snow type activities. You are going to find sensory bins, painting, crafts and more. There are all great activities to do with any different ages of kids.

60+ Snow and Winter themed activites & printables - #winteractivitiesforkids #3dinosaurs #printablesforkids #craftsforkids - 3Dinosaurs.com

Hands On Winter Activities

110. Plank Board Snowflake Activity

Make hands on and stem base Plank Board Snowflakes. A great hands-on building activity for kids.

111. S is for Snowflake Activity

S is for Snowflake fine motor activities. See how we use a few of the printables.

112. Fine Motor Cutting Activity with Mittens Activity

Do a hands on activity using mitten and learning to cut food while wearing them.

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Winter Sensory Bins

Snowflake Sensory Bin: Fine Motor Fun - 3Dinosaurs.com

113. Snowflake Sensory Bin Activity

Have fun with this Snowflake Sensory bin. This is totally fun and creative for kids. A simple and easy to put together winter sensory bin.

114. Animals in Winter Sensory Bin

Animals in Winter Sensory Bin - a fun sensory bin to explore animals tracks and the animals awake in winter. - 3Dinosaurs.com

Animals in Winter Sensory Bin has different animals you can see in winter with a fun kinetic sand base.

115. Arctic Animals Themed Sensory Bin Activity

Kinetic Sand Arctic Animals Themed Sensory Bin is another great winter sensory bin that you can do. It is simple to make and easy to use.

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Winter Craft Activities

You will see all the winter crafts here that kids can make.

116. Snowflake Paper Plate Wreath Craft

Snowflake Wreath - a simple snowflake themed wreath you can make in the winter - 3Dinosaurs.com

You can make a fun Snowflake Paper Plate Wreath. It is simple and easy to use. And then you have a great wreath for the winter!

117. Glitter Snowflake Wreath Craft

Easy to Make Glitter Snowflake Wreath Craft for kids - You have a simple craft with just a few items to make this winter wreath - 3Dinosaurs.com

Glitter Snowflake Wreath is a great winter wreath made with glitter cardstock snowflakes. A super simple to set up and make.

118. Winter Evergreen Tree Wreath Craft

Winter Evergreen Tree Wreath Craft - a fun winter theme wreath with evergreen trees with white q-tip painting a fun craft for prek and kindergarten - 3Dinosaurs.com

Winter Evergreen Tree Wreath Craft ks a fun wreath for winter with green trees and then you use white paint to paint snow on the trees.

119. Model Magic Snowflakes Craft

Make your own snowflakes with model magic. Super simple and lets be creative with their snowflakes.

120. Model Magic Snowmen Craft

Easy to make Model Magic Snowmen. This allows kids to be as creative as they want. This is a great fine motor snowman craft.

121. Standing Model Magic Snowman Craft

Standing Model Magic Snowman - a fun model magic craft that is great for fine motor and for kids to use in this fun craft - 3Dinosaurs.com

Standing Model Magic Snowman is a great craft for kids to make who want a snowman but don’t want to go out in the snow or don’t have snow.

122. Washi Tape Snowflakes Craft

Great fine motor with these Washi Tape Snowflakes. There is also a great book that goes with the activity. And this is a great fine motor craft for the winter.

123. Torn Paper Snowflake Craft

Torn Paper Snowflakes - a fun torn paper winter craft that kids can do and have a blast making - 3Dinosaurs.com

Torn Paper Snowflake that kids can tear paper and line the snowflake. It is a super easy to make winter craft for kids and snowflakes are a great winter theme.

Torn Paper Glitter Snowflake Craft

Torn Paper Glitter Snowflake Craft - a fun torn paper craft to make snowflakes out of glitter paper a fun winter craft for kids. - 3Dinosaurs.com

Torn Paper Glitter Snowflake Craft is a fun glittery snowflake that kids can make. They can have a blast making the snowflakes.

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Winter Painting Activities

You are going to see a mix of different painting that you can do with kids this winter.

124. Watercolor Snowflakes Painting

Fun to Make Watercolor Snowflakes - make fun snowflake themed painting using cookies cutters - 3Dinosaurs.com #watercolorforkids #cookiecuttes #paintingforkids #finemotorskills #winteractivitiesforkids

Fun to Make Watercolor Snowflakes is a great activity using cookie cutters. It makes a great collage of snowflakes on the paper.

125. Watercolor Mitten Painting

Mitten Watercolor Painting With Cookie Cutters - A simple painting you can do with kids of different ages by painting inside a cookie cutter to make a fun mitten painting - 3Dinosaurs.com

Watercolor Mitten Painting has kids painting colorful mittens with watercolor on the paper. This goes great with a winter them or a mitten theme for kids.

Mitten Cookie Cutter Stamp Painting

Mitten Cookie Cutter Stamp Painting - a simple winter painting that kids can do with a mitten cookie cutter. - 3Dinosaurs.com

Mitten Cookie Cutter Stamp Painting has kids stamp fun mittens on the paper with different colors. We used some favorite colors in our house to do the stamp painting.

126. Colored Snowflake Cookie Cutter Stamping

Colored Snowflake Cookie Cutter Stamping - A simple stamp painting with cookie cutters. You have several sizes and different colors of blues and purple - 3Dinosaurs.com

Colored Snowflake Cookie Cutter Stamping is doing a fun colored version of the cookie cutter stamping with fun blues and purple colors. A great kindergarten and prek craft for kids.

127. Make a Snowman Painting

Paper Roll Snowman - a fun snowman made by painting with paper rolls. A simple winter craft that kids of different ages can do. It is simple to set up and do.

Make a Snowman with paper rolls. A simple stamping craft with paper roll to make the snowman.

Paper Roll Painted Snowflake

Paper Roll Painted Snowflake - a fun snowflake painting with blue and purple colors and using paper rolls to make the snowflakes. A simple and easy PreK and kindergarten craft for winter. - 3Dinosaurs.com

Paper Roll Painted Snowflake is a fun winter painting that you can do with kids. You just use paper, paint, and paper rolls to make the snowflakes.

128. Q-Tip Snowflake Painting

Do some fine motor with while making Q-Tip Snowflake. It is easy to do with and works on fine motor skill with the painting using the q-tip. You can mix this up for different ages of kids.

129. Snowflake Cookie Cutter Painting

Making Snowflakes - Snowflake Cookie Cutter Painting - a simple painting craft that different ages of kids can do - 3Dinosaurs.com

A fun Snowflake painting with cookie cutters to make an easy process art that kids of different ages can do.

130. Watercolor Birch Trees Painting

Easy To Paint Watercolor Birch Trees - make fun winter scene with birch trees using oil pastels and watercolors - 3Dinosaurs.com #watercolorforkids #paintingforkids #finemotorskills #winteractivitiesforkids

Easy To Paint Watercolor Birch Trees are a super simple winter painting activities. You use watercolors and oil pastels to make an amazing picture. Plus you can also check out the book we read with it.

131. Winter Evergreen Wreath Craft

Winter Evergreen Wreath Craft - a fun wreath craft with a evergreen tree in winter with berries and snow.  - 3Dinosaurs.com

Winter Evergreen Wreath Craft is a fun evergreen tree painting on a wreath for kids. A super fun way to make a winter art project.

132. Winter Cardinal Painting

Winter Cardinal Painting for Kids is a great winter painting with watercolors, and cardinal cookie cutter to make a great winter painting. - 3Dinosaurs.com

Winter Cardinal Painting is a mix of painting and craft for Kids. You have a birch tree and a cardinal on a branch in a fun winter scene. You use the cookie cutter for the cardinal.

133. Deer In Winter Watercolor Painting

Deer In Winter Painting - a fun winter painting project with a deer walking though trees in winter. You have a watercolor painting for the background and a cookie cutter for the deer. - 3Dinosaurs.com

Deer In Winter Watercolor Painting has a deer walking through the trees in winter. A great way to make a winter painting with kids. You paint the background with watercolors and use a cookie cutter for the deer.

134. Watercolor & Oil Pastel Snowflakes Painting

Watercolor & Oil Pastel Snowflakes Painting - easy snowflake painting activity that many different ages can do together - 3Dinosaurs.com

Watercolor & Oil Pastel Snowflakes Painting is a fun painting activity for winter. You can see how the snowflake stand out and make a great picture.

135. Cotton Ball Painted Snowman Painting

Cotton Ball Painted Snowman - an easy snowman craft that different ages can do together. You cotton balls and q-tips for painting - 3Dinosaurs.com

Cotton Ball Painted Snowman is a super simple craft that kids of different ages can make. You also use q-tips, cookie cutters, and cotton balls to make it!

136. Snowflake Q-Tip Painting

Snowflake Q-Tip Painting - a fun mixed art project that kids can do to paint snowflakes - 3Dinosaurs.com

Snowflake Q-Tip Painting is simple and easy with cookie cutters, white paint and watercolors.

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Other Winter Activities to Check out

Snow and Winter Books

Winter Books Round Up

137. Winter Picture Books

Check out all these fun winter books that kids can read. You have a great collection that kids can check out.

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If you are looking for pritnables for the whole season of Winter Check these out:

Round Up of Winter Printables from 3 Dinosaurs

Cassie – 3Dinosaurs.com

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