Fall Learning: Second Grade Phases of the Moon Week

Related tags: No-Prep Grade Level Weekly Packs, Second Grade, Space
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Fall Learning: Second Grade Phases of the Moon Week - No-Prep
Fall Learning: Second Grade Phases of the Moon Week - No-Prep contains 25 pages:
- 4 pages of printables each day
- 5 days of no-prep worksheets
- Sight Words: wish, upon, read, many, fast
- Phases of the Moon: Full Moon, Waning Gibbous Moon, Last Quarter Moon, Waning Crescent Moon, New Moon, Waxing Crescent Moon, First Quarter Moon, Waxing Gibbous Moon
- ELA: Sequencing Waning Moon Writing, Sequencing Waxing Moon Writing, What is the Moon Writing, Describe the Moon
- Math: Skip Counting by 5 Patterns, Telling Time, Math Facts, 3D Shape Name Cut & Paste, Adding Three Numbers, Place Value Writing, Great or Less than 50
- BONUS: Moon Observation Journal
You can get the full set for $3.00 at the links below.
Looking for additional ideas check out my Pinterest board.