Fall Learning: Second Grade School Week

Related tags: Fall Learning: School Week, No-Prep Grade Level Weekly Packs, Second Grade, Apple
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Fall Learning: Second Grade School Week - No-Prep & Hands-On
Fall Learning: Second Grade School Week - No-Prep & Hands-On contains 59 pages:
What you will find in the Second Grade Hands-On Weekly Pack
- 2 to 4 Hands-on activities for each Day
- 5 Days of hands-on printables
- Sight Word: clip cards, playdough mats and flashcards
- Sight Words: both, found, gave, read, write
- Ending Digraph Clip Cards
- School Word Clip Cards
- VCC Clipc ards all & ell and ill and ull
- Addition Clip Cards +2 and +3
- Subtraction Clip Cards
- Coin Clip Cards
- Place Value Clip Cards
- Skip Counting by 5 Puzzles
- Telling Time Clip Cards
- Shape Corner & Side Clip Cards
What you will find in the Second Grade No-Prep Weekly Pack
- 4 pages of printables each day
- 5 days of no-prep worksheets
- CVCe words: -ode, oke, ole, one
- Sight Words: would, before. pull, very, don't
- Would You Rather Writing, Fixing Capitals and Periods, Syllables, Write the Story
- Math: Addition, Subtraction, Greater Than / Less Than, Skip Counting by 5s, Shapes, Money, Numbers, Place Value
Looking for additional ideas check out my Pinterest board.

Fall Learning: Second Grade School Week - No-Prep
Fall Learning: Second Grade School Week - No-Prep contains 22 pages:
- 4 pages of printables each day
- 5 days of no-prep worksheets
- VCC words: all & ell and ill and ull
- Sight Words: both, found, gave, read, write
- School Word Writing, Ending Digraph SH & TH, Write the Story
- Math: Addition, Subtraction, Greater Than / Less Than, Skip Counting by 5s, Shapes, Money, Numbers, Place Value
Looking for additional ideas check out my Pinterest board.

Fall Learning: Second Grade School Week - Hands-On
Fall Learning: Second Grade School Week - Hands-On contains 37 pages:
- 2 Hands-on activities for each Day
- 5 Days of hands-on printables - That Match the No-Prep Second Grade School Pack
- Sight Word: clip cards, playdough mats and flashcards
- Sight Words: both, found, gave, read, write
- Ending Digraph Clip Cards
- School Word Clip Cards
- VCC Clip cards all & ell and ill and ull
- Addition Clip Cards +2 and +3
- Subtraction Clip Cards
- Coin Clip Cards
- Place Value Clip Cards
- Skip Counting by 5 Puzzles
- Telling Time Clip Cards
- Shape Corner & Side Clip Cards
Looking for additional ideas check out my Pinterest board.