CVCC Word Family Trace Find & Color

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Related tags: CVCC Word Family Printables, First Grade, Second Grade
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CVCC Word Family Trace Find & Color
CVCC Word Family Trace Find & Color contains 19 pages:
- 19 pages of printables
- 18 different CVCC Word Family endings: ack, all, amp, and, ash, eck, ell, end, est, ick, ill, ing, ink, ish, ock, uck, ung, unk.
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Learning to Read Trace, Find, & Color Bundle
Learning to Read Trace, Find, & Color Bundle contains 138 pages:
- CVC Word Family Words: -ab Word Family, -ad Word Family, -ag Word Family, -am Word Family, -an Word Family, -ap Word Family, -at Word Family, -ed Word Family, -eg Word Family, -en Word Family, -et Word Family, -id Word Family, -ig Word Family, -im Word Family, -in Word Family, -ip Word Family, -it Word Family, -ix Word Family, -ob Word Family, -od Word Family, -og Word Family, -op Word Family, -ot Word Family, -ub Word Family, -ug Word Family, -um Word Family, -un Word Family, -ut Word Family
- CVCC Word Family endings: ack, all, amp, and, ash, eck, ell, end, est, ick, ill, ing, ink, ish, ock, uck, ung, unk
- CVCe Word Family endings: -ace, -age, -ake, -ale, -ame, -ane, -ase, -ate, -ave, -ice, -ide, -ike, -ile, -ime, -ine, -ipe, -ire, -ive, -oke, -ole, -one, -ose, -ote
- Beginning Blends: bl-, br-, cl-, cr-, fl-, fr--, gr-, gl-, pl-, pr-, sc-, sk-, sl-, sm-, sn-, sp-, st-, sw-, tr-.
- Trigraphs: scr-, shr, spl-, spr, squ-, str-, thr-, -dge, -tch
- Digraphs: ch-, -ch, -ck, -gh, gh-, kn, -ng, ph-, qu-, sh-, -sh, th-, -th, wh-, wr-.
- Diphthong words: -au words, -aw words, -ew words, -oi words, -oo words, -ou words, -ow words, -oy words
- Vowel Team words: - ai words, -ay words, -ea words, -ee words, -ie words, -oa words, -oe words, -ue words, -ui words
- Tripgrah: scr-, shr-, spl-, spr-, squ-, str-, thr-, -dge, -tch
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