CVCe Word Family Wall Cards

We will be use these cards with Bob Books Set 5- Long Vowels.
Please print off as many or as few as you would like as many times as you would like. If you find any errors or typos please let me know. Download is below.
Related tags: CVCe Word Family Printables, First Grade, Second Grade, Third Grade
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CVCe Word Family Wall Cards
CVCe Word Family Wall Cards contains 18 pages:
- They have the following CVCe Word Family endings: -ace, -age, -ake, -ale, -ame, -ane, -ape, -ase, -ate, -ave, -ice, -ide, -ife, -ike, -ile, -ime, -ine, -ipe, -ise, -ite, -obe, -ode, -oke, -ole, -ome, -one, -ope, -ose, -ote, -ube, -ude, -ule, -une.
- 2 cards per page
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- Download CVCe Word Family Wall Cards
Looking for additional ideas check out my Pinterest board.

CVCe Word Family Wall Cards & Ladder Selling Set
CVCe Word Family Wall Cards & Ladder Selling Set contains 82 pages:
- CVCe Words families: -ace, -age, -ake, -ale, -ame, -ane, -ape, -ase, ate, ave, ade, ice, ide, -ife, -ike, -ile, -ime, -ine, -ipe, -ise, -ite, -ive, -obe, ode, -ome, -one, -ope, -ose, -ote, -ove, -ube, -ule, -une, -ute
- CVCe Word Family Ladders
- 2 Cards per page or 4 Cards per page options
- CVCe Word Family Cards Large with several words
- CVCe Word Family Cards Large with single image word ending
- CVCe Word Family Cards small with several words
- CVCe Word Family Cards small with single image word ending
Looking for additional ideas check out my Pinterest board.

Learning To Read Wall Cards & Ladders Bundle
Learning To Read Wall Cards & Ladders Bundle contains 381 pages:
Each set has the following printables:
- Ladders
- Wall cards Large with several words
- Wall cards Large with single image word ending
- Wall cards small with several words
- Wall cards small with single image word ending
- CVC Word families: -ad, -ag, -am, -an, -ap, -ar, -at, -ay, -ed, -en, -et, -ig, -in -ip, -it, -og, -op, -ot, -ow, -ox, -oy, -ug, -un, -ut, -ab, -ax, -em, -ib, -id, -im, -ix, -ob, -od, -ub, -ud, -um, -up
- CVCe Word families: -ace, -age, -ake, -ale, -ame, -ane, -ape, -ase, ate, ave, ade, ice, ide, -ife, -ike, -ile, -ime, -ine, -ipe, -ise, -ite, -ive, -obe, ode, -ome, -one, -ope, -ose, -ote, -ove, -ube, -ule, -une, -ute
- CVCC Word families: -all, -ill, -ell, -ull, -ing, -ang, -ung, -ong, -ast, -ist, -ust, -ost, -est, -ack, -ick, -ock, -uck, -and, -end, -ind, -ond, -und, ink, -unk, -onk, -amp, -imp, -ump, -aft, ift, -ask, -ent
- Double Consonants: ff words,ll words, ss words, zz words
- R-Controlled Vowel: ar words,er words, ir words, or words, ur words
- Diphthong: -au words, -aw words, -ew words, -oi words, -oo words, -ou words, -ow words, -oy words
- Vowel Teams: -ai words, -ay words, -ea words, -ee words, -ie words, -oa words, -oe words,-ue words, -ui words
- Digraphs: ch-, -ch, -ck, gh-, -gh, gn- -gn, kn-, -ng, ph, qu-, sh-. -sh, th-, -th, wh-, wr-
- Blends: bl, br, cl, cr, dr, fl, fr, gl, gr, pl, pr, sc, sk, sl, sm, sn, sp, st, sw, tr
Looking for additional ideas check out my Pinterest board.